She scoffed. “Oh yeah. Collecting and spending daddy’s money?”

“No. Managing a global transportation empire and estate, along with thousands of employees,” he said arrogantly. He steadied his breath. He had been an ass earlier, and he knew it. “Naisha, I’m sorry. I was rude, and I apologize.”

She pressed her pretty lips together, making him hate the direction his mind went in the moment that simple gesture drew his attention. It brought to him a phantom ache, the pain of youthful obsession, and the agony of watching it all crash down thanks to the brutal manipulation of his father all those years ago.

Even from the grave, the man was still messing with his head.

Naisha didn’t say anything.

She had been pretty as a young girl, but now, she was stunning. He’d seen her face staring out at him on the cover of so many high-fashion magazines, even on billboards in major cities—that daring self-confidence in her eyes, the proud tilt of her chin, the rich glow of her skin, her sheer perfection.

He’d seen her walk the red carpet at so many awards shows and premiers, often accompanied by good-looking young men and sometimes older men. He wasn’t sure if those sightings had made him jealous. Years of unhappiness in a wretched sham of a marriage had a way of grinding you down, destroying your ability to feel anything.

But today he felt embarrassment and shame. He repeated with all humility, “Naisha, I mean it. I’m sorry for what I said out there. Forgive me?”

She nodded mutely.

“As for your application, I recognize that you are qualified, but I don’t think that your being employed by me is a smart idea. I’m looking for someone a bit older and more experienced with individualized learning environments. Maybe someone less…” He paused. Was he really going to say he wanted someone less hot? He shook it off. “Not to mention, there’s a lot of hostility between us and I don’t blame you for it, but I don’t want that energy around my daughter. I’m sorry if Jacyn and Willa got your hopes up.”

Her lips quirked as if she understood exactly what he was not saying. “It’s fine. No need to apologize. I guess we both got heated. I just want you to know two things. One, I do have an honors degree from an excellent university, so despite your preconceptions of women in my profession, I am not an idiot.”

She gave him a satisfied look as he felt the flush creep into his face.

“And second,Comte d’Ambly des Ayvelles,the last time I was in France, I made the mistake of believing certain promises that you made me. You can bet I will never make that mistake of placingmy hopesin your hands ever again.”

She folded her arms, hoping that her tone and demeanor would convey clearly where she now stood on the matter. “You’re a bright guy. I don’t need to describe exactly where you can shove your job.”


The first thing Naisha did as she stepped into her apartment was throw those damn high heels into a corner and then rub the feeling back into her toes. Despite being taller than average, she always favored dangerously high heels. They gave her a sense of power and confidence. They made her stand out.

But next to Alex, and more so to William, who were both tall, lean, and powerful, they gave her no height advantage at all.

William Dubois the second in the flesh.Countd’Ambly des Ayvelles now, damn him. She kicked the shoes a little farther down the hallway toward her living room, but that didn’t make her feel any better. The shock of seeing him still left her feeling dazed; the anger that had risen within her still rankled.

So, the second thing she did was video call her sister, Antonia, who was now working as morning news anchor for a small TV station in the midwest. It took several rings before the blurred image of her sister came into focus. It wasn’t even nine yet, but already Toni had her hair wrapped for bed, and her face smeared with light blue night cream.

“Better be good, babe,” her sister said sleepily. “’Cause you know I got to sign in at four tomorrow morning. I need my beauty sleep.”

“You’re beautiful enough,” Naisha said. “I have news.”

“You met Drake, and he asked you out.”


“MAC asked you to be spokes model.”

“Ha. I wish.”

Toni waited for several seconds and then demanded in exasperation, “Well, spill, or I’m going back to bed!”

“I met William again.” That was all she needed to say. She didn’t need to tack on a last name, or clarify in any way. Her sister had been there for her the first time around, helped pick up the pieces when she’d collapsed, broken.

“Stop lying!” Toni exclaimed, her mouth an O.

Naisha smiled despite herself. “Nope. There he was, bright as day and large as life. And the kicker is, remember the client I was telling you about? Jacyn? She’s married to his brother!”

“Get out! The kid brother, the younger one? Armand?”