“I did, actually—”

“William… Liam…Lim,of course I love you. You idiot. Couldn’t you tell? Couldn’t you see it every time I looked at you? Every time I kissed you?”

“Maybe I thought it was just because I’m such a good kisser—”

She gave him a hard shove, causing him to fall back onto the bed, and then hovered over him, looking down into his face. “You’ll hurt yourself,” he cautioned. “You’re still wounded, remember?”

“I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine because of you, all you’ve done for me. I’m alive because of you. You gave me a second chance. A chance to get away from everything in my life that was frightening. And because you gave me that chance, I get to find you again. Discover you again. This is wonderful. It’s going to be wonderful. Can’t you feel it.”

He reached up and wrapped his arms around her gently, so as not to hurt her. “I can feel it, my sweet Countess. I can feel it.”

She lowered her head for a kiss.


You have a sister and I would like to tell you all about her.

Now that I have your attention, I would like to quickly disabuse you of the hope that I'm writing to beg your forgiveness or for absolution. Neither am I writing to sing your praises for all you've accomplished in that filthy America.

With my intentions made clear, I will begin by stating that I feel a contrasting mixture of shame and pride. I am thoroughly ashamed that you and your brother are gullible cowards, but I am also filled with a great sense of pride as to how I was able to easily maneuver your lives.

Willa is a beauty, isn’t she? She gets most of it from her papa. And I’m not referring to my impotent heir! Are you confused? Let me simplify things for you since you and your brother need things broken down like children in garderie. Willa is my and Sofia’s daughter.

My story with Sofia begins before yours did with her. I met her one night at a bar and we began a very heated affair. The passion between us is ravenous. The things that woman can do with her tongue… I don’t have to go into details because you know firsthand. After all, I allowed you a few tastes. You are welcome. Getting her to seduce you and tell you that sad story about her living situation was effortless. I knew your benevolent heart would be desperate to help her, and you did.

Just as I predicted, you came to me with the suggestion that she move in and I was only too happy to approve. Thanks to you, our affair became a lot more convenient. Did you ever wonder where she strayed to at night when she claimed she was using the gym? I sure did give her a good workout before sending her back to you. Don’t thank me; it was my pleasure.

When Sofia became pregnant, I decided that it would be best for William to raise the child with Sofia. I wanted my child to be William’s heir and my sweet Sofia was happy with the prospect of becoming the next Countess.

The servants told me about your brother sneaking that negress onto the property, and I needed to hinder the possibility of William ever getting married to her. I could not allow your brother to contaminate our bloodline with a negress. I’m sure even you would agree with me.

Drugging your brother, Sofia convincing him she was raped by him when he eventually woke up, and my forcing him to go through with the wedding was easier than even I thought it would be. Did it hurt when my Sofia declined your proposal? I had a good laugh over that one.

As I write this letter, the doctor’s have already said I have a few weeks left on this earth. Your Sofia is currently kneeling before me doing that thing I like with her tongue.

Did I mention that Sofia got pregnant for me a second time? Unfortunately, we lost that one in a miscarriage.

It has filled me with an indescribable satisfaction to lie with the woman that one son longs for, while the other is unhappily tied to forever.

Just as I won’t divorce your mother because of that pesky clause your grandfather added in the event of a divorce, neither will your brother have a choice, as I’ve added the same clause to William’s inheritance. If he ever divorces, he will lose everything except the title and the estate.

As I end this letter, I can only hope that I have sparked a fire of fortitude inside you. Determination that will dissuade your chivalrous and trusting nature. I hope this letter spurs you into finally becoming a real man. A man who views life like a chess match.

I will go into the afterlife knowing that I indeed got the last laugh!

Your Father.



What kind of ring did you get for the most beautiful woman in the world? It was a question that nagged at William. He wanted it to be perfect in every way. The men in his family had a tradition of offering their women heirloom rings from the small trove of family baubles he kept in a safe in his office. As a man who honored tradition, it meant a lot to him to welcome her into his family with a treasure that was passed down through the ages.

Maybe, if their baby was a son, one day he would inherit another one of those gems, and offer it to his bride! The thought of being a dad again, and one day, maybe even a grandfather, made him run hot all over with excitement. With all the wealth he had built, and all the business ventures he successfully oversaw, nothing excited him more than this.

Then again, he mused, since Naisha was such a modern woman whose tastes ran to more eclectic jewelry rather than the comparatively stodgy style of his forefathers, he could choose a ring and have it restyled to suit her tastes. The last thing he wanted was to have her wear something she found boring or outdated. He made a note to have his admin do some research to find the most outstanding young jewelry designers in Europe. Maybe he could have a chat with a couple of them.

As he passed Willa’s door, he heard the sound of laughter, and stopped to pop his head in. Alex was sitting on the edge of Willa’s bed, and there was a slew of black and white cards spread out on the quilt. Willa was rolling around, positively screaming with laughter.