It was over. This dangerously unhinged man could never harm her again.

She clung to William. She never, ever wanted to let this man go. She wondered how she would go about telling him that he was her everything. That waking up again was worth it only because she was waking upto him.

Maybe tomorrow,she thought.Maybe when I’m stronger.She whispered into his ear, “When can I go home?”


“When can I leave the hospital?”

He chuckled. “You are home. This isn’t a hospital. I had the Countess suite converted for you.” He reached out and pressed a buzzer. “I moved you here after your surgery at the hospital. I needed you close to me. You have a live-in doctor and nurse. I just summoned them.”

He stood. “As soon as the doctor sees you, there are others you need to meet.”

“Huh?” she asked, overwhelmed by curiosity.

“You’ll see.”

Naisha stewed in her own juices for the next twenty minutes, while the nurse and doctor fussed over her and pronounced her doing very well indeed. “You are a strong woman, mademoiselle,” said the doctor with her well-practiced bedside-manner smile. “Your baby is healthy and thriving, and in a few weeks, you’ll be back on your—”

“I’msorrywhat?” Naisha asked, her mouth dropping open.

The woman in the white coat patted her knee. “You’re pregnant, dear.” She gave William an uncertain look and then turned back to Naisha. “Didn’t you know?”

Pregnant? As ingestating?A human child?

No, she did not know.

The doctor seemed to sense some undercurrents, so she beckoned to the nurse and the two of them hurried out of the room.

William stood there, grinning. Looking stupidly happy.

“Did she just say—”


“That you and me—”


“But how—”

He gave her an exaggerated look of exasperation. “Ben non, Naisha, do you really teach my kid biology?”

She glared at him. “I knowhow,Liam. But we used protection!”

“Not at the club in London, we didn’t. You’re almost 16 weeks along.” He was looking so gleeful, she wanted to throw a pillow at him. The only reason she didn’t was because it would hurt her arm something awful.

“I took the morning-after pill—”

“Nobody said it was foolproof.” He returned to where he was sitting and laid his hand gently on her perfectly flat belly. His brown eyes, with their flecks of gold, were flashing with life and joy. “Are you happy? Tell me you’re—”

She barely had time to think it through, sort out her clanging emotions, because there was an almighty clatter at the door and then the hordes descended. First was Willa, who came running in with her arms extended, and was only stopped launching herself onto the bed by William at the last second.

Then, Madeline, pink-faced, cheeks wet with tears. “You’re awake,petite.Thank God.”

Two more people, two beloved faces. Her mother and father. That was when Naisha began to cry. Her mother took William’s place as soon as he ceded it to her, and the two women held onto each other, clinging and swaying. No matter how old you got, Naisha thought, you always wanted your mother when you were sick or hurt.

“How did you—”