“Nectar of the gods,” he said admiringly. Then he prepared himself, poised at her entrance, and slid home.


The first change Naisha noticed was in the way she walked. There was music in her hips, and her long legs slid slowly past each other with choreographed ease. The second was the smile that played on her face even when she was in repose, as if there was pleasant music playing constantly in the background, which only she could hear. The third sign was the fact that she had taken to calling William ‘Lim’ again, the way she did when they’d been barely more than kids.

These were all the signs of a woman who was getting some good lovin’.

She and William had developed a routine in which all was normal during the day. They were boss and employee, two people who shared concern for the child under their care, and who had a mutual liking and respect for each other.

She didn’t dare join them for lunch, because she was certain that to do so would be to tip her hand. The intimacy of a meal would surely be so revealing that Willa was bound to be suspicious. After all, she was a young lady now, who was beginning to take an interest in teen rom-coms and cute boys on TikTok. She would smell the sexual tension between them for sure!

But at night, after William had told his daughter goodnight and retired to his room, Naisha would slip silently in and lock the door. There, they were free to indulge their hunger for each other, experimenting, exploring, pleasuring.

She felt even more at ease knowing that the unwelcome text messages she’d been receiving from Abe had dried up. This was wonderful news, because his sly digs, alternating with desperate pleas to reunite, had been growing more and more unsettling. It was a relief to know that the distance she’d put between them had finally put an end to his stalking.

This was what it felt like to be finally free!

It was a blistering Saturday afternoon when it seemed that Mother Nature wanted to remind them all that the summer was well and truly on the way.

Jacyn and Madeline indulged in yet another shopping trip to London for the weekend, and Willa had volunteered herself as head shopper. Naisha had been secretly horrified, wondering if Jacyn and Alex’s baby would ever have enough time to wear all the clothes they bought. But Jacyn had assured her that this time, they were scouring the galleries for art, since Alex was beginning to feel antsy about the old-fashioned relics that littered their suites, and they’d decided to redecorate their suites of rooms to their taste.

So Naisha was enjoying the freedom and quiet—not that Willa wasn’t fun to be around, but sometimes a woman just wanted to hear her own thoughts. She wandered in the maze wearing nothing but cut-off jeans shorts and a plain white sleeveless tee, sipping frequently from a bottle of water and making up stories in her head about the cluster of topiary animals that looked down upon her with curiosity.

“You’re being kidnapped!” A hand on her arm made her yelp and spin around.

She froze as her fright instinct took over from flight, and when she saw William’s grinning face, she whacked him on the bicep. “What the hell! That’s not funny!”

“Sorry,” he said, unrepentantly. “I didn’t realize you were so deep in your thoughts.” Then he encircled her waist. “But youarebeing kidnapped.”

As he began leading her out to the main steps, where an all-terrain vehicle was already humming, she threw him a suspicious look. “Do I even want to know what you’ve got in your head right now?”

“I wouldn’t if I were you,” he replied, looking mighty pleased with himself. He gestured at the ATV. “Hop in.”

Even as she obeyed, she protested. “We’re going somewhere? I’m hot and grimy. Can’t I have a shower and get dressed?”

He gave her a sardonic smile. “DoIlook like I’ve had a shower?”

She looked him up and down. He was wearing scruffy jeans and a T-shirt that was older and crappier than hers. His hair was tousled, and flattened at the back, as if he’d been lying on his back all morning. If he’d been standing on the sidewalk in town, she’d have felt sorry enough to hand him a few euros. She wrinkled her nose. “Eww, no. You look gross.”

He took no offense, but patted the side of the buggy. “Spent the day tuning this baby up.” He launched his frame into the driver’s seat beside her without even opening the door, like a real show-off.

“Don’t you have people for that?”

“Sure. For theothercars. But nobody touches Brigitte.”

“God. You name yourcars?”

He leaned sideways as if sharing a secret. “Only the ones I love.”

She groaned and reached for the door handle. “That’s it. You’re nuts. I’m outta—”

“Chut.”He silenced her with an upraised finger, turned off the ignition, and then turned back on again, caressing the key between his fingers as if he was stroking a woman. “Hear that?”


He grinned, triumphant. “Exactly!”

She giggled, glad to see him so boyishly happy, and sat back in the seat. Wherever this man planned to take her, she was willing to go.