“How far is your hotel?” she asked.


Thank God for private planes, Naisha thought. They were nice and roomy, and there were lots of little nooks and crannies where you could sequester yourself if you wanted to avoid making eye contact with someone.

Especially someone who’d managed to turn you into a total whore the night before. She and William had decided, for the sake of privacy, not to return to the hotel where either of them was staying. Instead, they hastily Googled the nearest decent place and hopped into one of the black cabs that hung around the nightclub punting for passengers. They were booked into the hotel’s best room within minutes, and moments later, were inside, stripped naked, and tearing at each other as if they were starving.

When she thought of the shameless, wanton, greedy way she had behaved last night. Burying her nails into his back, leaving teeth marks on his chest—oh, mercy.

It had been an all-out battle for dominance, in which the winner took all, but the loser also had some of the best sex of their life.

William had fought back, not giving an inch as she struggled to shove him onto his back and straddle him. They’d rolled and rolled until they fell off the bed, and then they went at it on the rug, right there, with her on top of him, knees clamped down on his hips, riding him like a sea sprite astride a dolphin.

Then it had been his turn to take charge, as he lifted her into his arms and braced her against a wall, wrapping her legs around his back for leverage. And the things that man told her, the words he whispered in her ears, would have made a nun cross herself and cross the street.

She was grateful that, when she’d awoken in a tangle of sheets, she’d had the presence of mind to phone down to the hotel’s little pharmacy to order the morning-after pill, because at least she owed him that much. Neither of them should have to pay for a night of indiscretion.

Now, a day later, after a short flight, they were nearing home. Returning to sanity. She sat in one of the lavishly upholstered lounge chairs and stared out the window, watching the sun rise over the coast of France.

They’d returned home alone, the four of them. Shaundra and Sienna flew back to the States, and Alex and Jacyn wanted to have a few more days in London to themselves. Madeline was all worn out from exploring, so she had retired to one of the private sleeping pods at the rear of the plane.

But Willa, naturally, refused to sleep. She was so excited at having her papa with her on a long flight that she came up with every ploy to keep him by her side. First, they watched a movie which Naisha had seen before. Then, they played an hour and a half of the French card game, Belote, which she said she didn’t understand. Never mind she and her sister Toni had learned from their grandmother from an early age and still got together to play.

So far, so good.

But when Willa asked if she could go into the cockpit and help fly the plane—watchthe pilot fly the plane, Naisha knew time had run out. With Madeline asleep and Willa getting flying lessons, she and William were alone again.


He plumped himself down in the chair opposite her, and regarded her for several seconds before saying, “You know you can’t hide from someone on a plane, right?”

“You can if you try hard enough,” she retorted.

He lifted his brows. “Why would you want to try? Didn’t you enjoy it? Didn’t you like what we did to each other all night long?”

She scowled at him. “You know I did.”

He reached out and gently grasped her left foot, and began to massage it, letting his thumbs linger over the prominent bone of her slender ankle. “So why are you hiding? Why do you look away every time I try to catch your eye?”

“There’s a kid here,” she excused herself weakly.

He pointed at the closed cockpit with his head. “And now that kid isn’t around. Talk to me, Naisha.”

The movement of his fingers, smoothing, smoothing at her skin, made it hard for her to think. “What do youthinkthe problem is? We’re on our way home, back to reality. And in that reality, I am your employee. I work for you.”

“You’re fired.”

She groaned. “Stop kidding around! I’m serious. We can’t repeat any of what happened last night.”

“We can if we’re discreet.” He set her foot back down and got to his knees before her, leaning forward to press his lips against her earlobe. “I want you again. Over and over. Don’t you feel the same?”

Did she feel the same? Desperately. To the point of insanity. But they couldn’t. Shouldn’t. What did you do when your body wanted one thing, but your mind refused to let you have it?

“Mesdames at monsieur,”came a voice over the intercom. “This is your captain speaking.”

Naisha couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t the captain, but Willa throwing herself into the role. “We will soon be making our descent into Marseille Provence airport. Please begin your preparations for landing.”

William chuckled gently at the game his daughter was playing, got up, and headed for his usual seat near the front of the plane. But before he went, he made her a promise: “This isn’t over, Naisha.”