“What is the name of this woman? The one that has you looking like a sheep that wandered into a forest filled with wolves?”

“It’s not a woman,” he answered, but neither of them believed him.

“Mmm-hmm,” she said, and lifted her glass in a toast. “Drink up,cher,” she said. “And then, we say goodbye.”


“That’s how you express an equation as a line,” Naisha said, setting the pencil down on the desk. “Understand?”

Willa, while normally adept at math, had been grouchy all morning, complaining that on a nice spring day like this it was a crime to be stuck inside arguing over stupidx,stupidy, and stupidz. “I bet even the horses are bored,” she argued. “It’s not kind you know, leaving your horses in the stable, all bored and everything, when you could do the right thing and take them for a ride.” She folded her arms. “I bet they hate us for that!”

Naisha laughed. “Nice try.”

They’d settled into their morning routine over the past few days, and Willa was doing well, complaints notwithstanding. On afternoons, they did practical work, such as labs, which helped them shake off the torpor of the morning’s inactivity.

There was a knock at the door and Liam entered even before Naisha could invite him in. He looked so devastatingly handsome in a charcoal-colored business suit, with the neck of his shirt unbuttoned and his tie dangling from one hand.

“Papa! You’re early!”

“I am.” He gave his daughter a kiss and then nodded in polite welcome at Naisha. He’d made a point of staying clear of the classroom during school hours, and she, in turn, made a point of wandering around the garden instead of the family wing, until she was sure he was safely in his quarters and she wouldn’t have to make awkward conversation with him. “I came to ask my best girl to lunch.”

Willa hopped up, equally happy to be lunching with her father and to be released from that horrible tale ofx, y,andza full 20 minutes early. “Naisha, when papa gets done with his work early, we have lunch! Go get your purse. Let’s go!”

Liam gave her an uncomfortable look, and Naisha transmitted the same message to him.Lunch? Together? Hell, no.Liam answered smoothly, “I’m sure Naisha has work to do, preparing for the afternoon lesson.”

Naisha nodded fervently. “I really think your papa would like to send some time alone with you, Willa.”

She scowled in that way that only a pre-teen can. “You’re coming with us.” Turning to face him, she said, “She’s coming with us, Papa. Or I’m not hungry.”

The adults exchanged pained glances, and then William gave his daughter a smooth smile. “Of course, my angel. Naisha is welcome to join us.”

Trapped like a rat,Naisha thought as she went to find her bag. Oh well, lunch doesn’t last more than an hour. She’d survive.

She made a point of sitting in the back seat with Willa, rather than up front, even though the sports car had obviously not been designed to transport anything in the back seat that was larger than a picnic basket and a bottle of wine.

She was surprised when he pulled up and parked. It wasn’t a French restaurant or bistro as she had expected, but a noisy pizza parlor. But the look of glee on Willa’s face told her that this man knew just what his daughter wanted today. Willa rushed on ahead and claimed a booth, sitting on the end and making it clear that she expected her father and Naisha to sit opposite her.


In for a penny, in for a pound, Naisha figured, and sat, making sure to keep a good foot of dead air between her and the man. Because if he made contact—even accidentally—she didn’t want to think about that right now.

The pizzas were ordered and delivered, an oven-baked, thin crusted work of art for each of them. William and Willa set about making quick work of theirs, while Naisha wondered if she would ever finish anything this huge. Hers was a creamy Florentine, and she had to admit it was delicious.

“You guys were girlfriend and boyfriend once?” Willa asked. “Like, twenty or thirty years ago?”

Naisha choked on her mouthful of pizza and went into a fit of coughing. “What makes you think that?”

“I heard Yvette saying you looked familiar, and she was sure she knew you. And ton Alex told tante Jacyn that was because you and papa were like, dating and stuff.” She twisted one finger around the other to indicate an intimate couple. “Is it true?”

“Yvette and your uncle might be mistaken,” Naisha tried to say. “So, uh, no—”

“Yes, we dated,” Liam cut her off, and she turned to him in shock. “And don’t get cheeky. It was twelve years ago, not thirty.”

Willa laughed gleefully at her own little joke and pumped her fist in the air. “I knew it! So, were you in love with each other? Did you kiss? Did you meet each other in school? Like Maman and Ton Alex?”

Liam flinched. Naisha glared at him. Why the hell had he said yes? Couldn’t he have fibbed a little?

As easily distracted as any kid, Willa announced that she needed to go to the bathroom. She hopped down from the banquette and sped off, leaving the two adults alone with the little bombshell she had hurled into their garden.