How weird was that?

They drove along paved roads off the part of the estate where the house stood, and then the roads turned to gravel. She could feel the thumping and bumping of the wheels on uneven terrain, her breasts jiggling as the car pressed on. “You’re doing this on purpose!” she yelled at him.

“No,” he said, glancing down at her juicy, bubbly bouncing, “But it’s certainly an unexpected bonus!”

Naisha started to laugh, surprising even herself at the sheer pleasure and joy she was experiencing in his company. Her eyes squeezed shut with the sheer intensity of her laughter. She didn’t even notice where they were, or that they had stopped, until he yanked up on the parking brake.

She looked around and immediately recognized her surroundings. In front of the ATV was a small, glittering lake, deep blue as it reflected the sky, with spangles of gold dancing upon its surface.

The last time she’d been here, she was eighteen years old and mesmerized by the sight of a beautiful young man rising naked from the depths.

She turned to him, stunned, unable to even close her mouth. “It’s our lake!”

“My lake,” he reminded her mischievously. “The last time you were here, you were trespassing.”

“Right. And you chased me away, like one of those old men telling kids to get off their damn lawn.”

He held out his hand to help her down from the vehicle. “But you came back.”

“Accidentally,” she swore. “I probably took a wrong turn somewhere.”

They began walking down to the water’s edge, and stood side by side, watching the water together. “Oh,” he said with elaborate casualness. “I thought it was because you liked what you saw the day before.”

“You flatter yourself.”

They grinned at each other like idiots for several long moments, and then he said with deep sadness. “You’re still wearing clothes.”

Wait, was he inviting her to skinny dip? Was hechallengingher to skinny dip?Hold my beer,she thought. “You know I was a model, right?”


“I can get nekkid in, like three seconds.” And just like that, she proved it, stripped to the skin and headed for the water before he could even figure out what was happening.

She had to hand it to him, though. He was almost as fast. She stood up to her armpits in glorious warm water and watched as he peeled off those filthy jeans and grimy T-shirt. Apparently, when he’d gotten dressed this morning, he had been so eager to get out to the garage and start working on his precious ATV that he hadn’t had time for underwear.

And Naisha was grateful for that oversight, because this man was magnificent. Tall, muscled, tanned, and—let’s be honest—blessed abundantly by all the gods. Naisha couldn’t decide whether to allow herself to be captivated by his golden-brown gaze or fix her eyes greedily on his crotch. Because he was an eyeful.

He must have known he was taunting her, torturing her, filling her mind with promises, because he took a year and a day to immerse himself in the water.

Lord, this man’s vain!

By the time he made it to her, she was shivering deliciously, not because of the water, because it was as welcoming as a bathtub full of suds. But because she’d been seized by an intoxicating combination of lust, both past and present. The desire to touch him now, caress him, stroke him, take him into her mouth and the memory of when she’d done all those things, for the first time—with him.

“Lim,” she managed to say. Her throat was dry. What was it they said? Water, water, everywhere?

“Pretty girl,” he murmured. “Beautiful woman.”

That’s how she knew he was lost in the memories too.

They pressed against each other, reveling in the forbidden pleasure of being completely naked outdoors. She loved the feel of his wet skin against hers, enjoying it even more as it glistened in the sunshine.

They kissed with intensity, tongues slipping out with curiosity, teeth gently nibbling. Liam’s hands slid down her body, taking their time to caress her shoulders, the small of her back, to settle at her hips, where they became possessive, gripping, holding, pressing her against him.

She could feel his arousal and was both flattered and excited. Every time they touched, he was always ready for her, as if his desire for her was buried so deep inside him it was instinctive.

This was new to her. As a model, she was used to being thought attractive, and used to men commenting on her body, either covertly or overtly. In her previous relationships, she always had the sense that part of the attraction the men had for her was the fact that she modeled. It was almost as if they were smugly enjoying something that other men couldn’t have.

But Liam, this man, didn’t give a hot crap about her fame. Didn’t want to know what cover she’d been on or what perfume she’d touted. All he saw when he looked at her washer;the Naisha she was now, and the Naisha she had been twelve years ago, when their fates had first become entangled.