Before responding, Alex drew her body against him and led her into the dance. Her body obediently fell into step, even though her thoughts resisted his manhandling. “You are supposed to be my fiancée. That scenario doesn’t include spending half the night in my brother’s arms.”

His rudeness made her gape. “Maybe I wouldn’t have to scrounge up a dance partner if you’d been here to dance with!”

“This gala is a family affair. I was needed.”

“Sure,” she snapped back. “Seemed to me like Sofia needed you more than anyone else here.”

They were still dancing, but his arm around her waist was as tight as a rope. “Don’t speak of her to me.”

“Why not? You think nobody can see you make goo-goo eyes at your own sister-in-law?”

“Enough!” In her ears, his hiss was a roar.

“‘Enough’ is right. I want to go home.” She tried to wriggle free, but he held her fast.

“You want to go? Let’s go.” Abruptly, he closed his hand around her arm and began storming his way to the exit.

“I didn’t mean go home withyou. By all means, stay and enjoy yourself. Spend the rest of the evening handling youraffairswith—”

“Don’t say her name. I’m warning you!”

The ferocity in his eyes almost cowed her, but she vowed not to be intimidated. For the sake of propriety, she nodded her goodbyes at those they passed, including Madeline, but they didn’t stop until they were outside.

At a barked command from Alex into his phone, the lights of a long white limo clicked on, and soon the vehicle nosed its way out from among the other parked cars and drew up alongside them.

“I have my own—” she began.

“I sent him home. Get in.”

She knew better than to openly resist. Knew that Alex would have zero qualms about picking her up and heaving her into the back seat. She got in, telling herself it was more out of concern for her beautiful gown, and the likelihood that it would be damaged, than the need to obey.

He got in, slammed the door, and glared at her. Then he snapped an instruction to the driver and hit the button that made the sheet of dark glass rise, cutting the man off from them. The spacious rear of the limo felt sealed off from the rest of the world.

“You’re a pain in the butt, Jacyn.”

“I’ma pain in the butt? You’re the one who left me dangling all night, wandering around the halls alone like Lady Macbeth.”

“That’s an awful metaphor.”

“Because I’m too pissed off with you to find a better one!”

He paused to examine her face. “Why are you pissed off? Are you jealous?”

She scoffed. “Why would I be jealous of another man’s wife? Just becauseyou’rejealous of your brother?”

He looked like she’d punched him in the gut. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No? Do you really think you’re fooling anyone? It’s obvious from the way you look at her—”

“You’rethe one who’s being obvious. Throwing yourself at my brother like that. As if he needed any help to get women.”

“We were dancing. He took pity on me, because my ‘fiancé’ had left me alone all night!”

He looked as if he was struggling to master himself before he responded. He passed his hand across his forehead, wearily. “I was busy because I was working. I was a host. I had an obligation to make sure everything went smoothly.”

She sniffed dismissively. “Looked to me like you were using your obligation as an excuse to be anywhere except around me.”

He groaned. “What did you expect me to do when you walk around looking like,” he gestured at her bare leg, peeping out from the daring slit in her skirt, “that!”