I tried to erase some of her fear by placing a comforting hand on her thigh under the table. It was an intimate, supportive gesture that Chris and Victoria couldn’t see or scrutinize. For whatever reason, they felt completely justified in their “union” but tried to look down on Gina and me for our relationship.
This was evidenced by the scoff Victoria gave when Gina and I shared a secret smile. It burned her up to see me happy. I didn’t get any sick satisfaction out of knowing my happiness burned her up inside. I just wanted to move on from this whole situation and be happy with the woman beside me, along with our two kids.
Although my lawyers weren’t here, my papers had been vetted by three professionals before I got here, bolstering me with the confidence I needed to get this over with.
“Can we get this over with already?” Victoria asked with an annoyed frown.
“I’m glad you asked,” I shot back with a smirk.
She rolled her eyes at me, not amused by my disposition.
I looked down at the table. In front of me were two separate file folders with two very different offers inside of them.
“My lawyers have prepared a few options for your consideration.”
Victoria angled her head, intrigued. Following my gut, I opened the folder on my right and began reading the terms to her.
“I’ll start with the first option.” I cleared my throat. “In exchange for a lump sum of ten million dollars, you, Victoria Hughes, agree to sign over all of your parental rights to our daughter. I will be the sole provider and caregiver for Penny if you agree to these terms.”
Unceremoniously, Victoria snatched the paper from in front of me and read it over on her own. She didn’t even bother flipping to the second or third page of the agreement before she looked up, nodding.
“I’ll take it,” she said less than five seconds later.
Gina blanched and let out a startled cough beside me before she was able to control her reaction. Under the table, I squeezed her thigh to echo her sentiments.
Wow. So it was that easy.
“This agreement will be in effect in perpetuity, Victoria. It can’t be undone.”
Victoria gave a nod to signal her understanding. Then she plopped her designer bag on the table and fished for a pen. Once she found it, she started scribbling her signature in all the appropriate places on the document. She was signing her daughter away for ten million and seemed unbothered.
My eyes fell to the untouched folder. The folder that outlined an updated custody agreement in exchange for a higher alimony payout and supervised visitation with Penny.
“Don’t you want to see the other option?” Chris asked, speaking up for the first time since we’d arrived.
Victoria shook her head and waved him off. Instead, she turned her gaze on me. “Do these need to be notarized before I can receive the transfer to my account?”
He looked horrified at her actions. He wore the face of a man who had been duped by her. He looked at her as if it were for the first time with a taken aback expression. I felt sorry for the guy. He’d gotten tangled in Victoria’s vicious web and now he was seeing her true colors. The only thing that motivated Victoria was a dollar sign. She had no capacity for sentimentality or moral responsibility.
“I’m not signing an agreement like that for Mycah,” Chris blurted out, his eyes still wide as saucers as he watched everything unfold.
I debated on whether to feel relieved or annoyed that we would still have to deal with him in some capacity after this. For Mycah’s sake, I at least hoped his involvement would be consistent.
“Maverick, did you hear me?” Victoria nudged, holding up the papers she’d just signed. “Does this need to be notarized before I receive the money?”
“I’ll take care of it,” I informed, accepting the agreement she extended to me.
Just like that, she’d signed over her rights. There would be no bedtime stories, no school pickups, no playing the tooth fairy. Nothing. She was just done. I’d never seen her look happier or more relieved.
“I can’t believe this,” Gina muttered beside me. Horror-stricken, she closed her mouth, which had been hanging agape.
“You’re not going to pay me off to give up, Mycah, Gina. I’ll do whatever you want, but I don’t want to lose him. Not forever,” he added pointedly, looking at Victoria.
The man was shaken to his core.
A pitying smile claimed my lips. “It’s a shame that you ever thought she had a shred of decency in her body. You can clearly see that isn’t the case.”
“If he doesn’t take the money, then can I have his share?” Victoria asked boldly.