My gut told me exactly what I needed to do, but would Maverick be willing to talk to me after the way I’d treated him the last few days? Even if he was willing to talk, would he ever forgive me? If the roles were reversed, I couldn’t say I’d be eager to hear from him.
I was still going back and forth over how to open up the line of communication between us when the shadow I couldn’t stand darkened my desk.
“Who was that hottie?” Sera asked with absolutely no shame.
“Do you have a work-related question I can help you with?” I asked, ignoring her attempt to dig.
Sera continued, unbothered by what I’d asked. She clasped her hands and pursed her overly lined lips like a schoolgirl and said, “His teeth were nearly perfect and that smolder. Oh my!”
I tried not to gag. I hoped against hope that a man like Enrick would never fall prey to a woman like the one hovering over my desk.
“Although, if that was his kid, then it’s an automatic turn off. But man, was he hot,” she said dreamily.
“Sera, remember, this is a professional environment and no place for gossip or personal matters. I know how much youloveto follow the rules,” I said condescendingly.
Defeated, she bristled at my wry smile before slinking away with her shoulders hunched.
“Serves her right.”
Picking up my phone, I was thankful for the slow day in the office because I needed to come up with a solution to one of the looming problems in my life. And I needed to do it fast. Before it cost me the man I had fallen in love with.
Leon’s grin hadn’t left since he heard the news about what had happened last night. It was a little hard to hide when I’d shown up to work with an icepack covering my knuckles. I didn’t know if it was older age or the force of my punch, but my body did not recover from a fight the way it used to.
I wasn’t a violent man, but I’d had my fair share of physical encounters during my time on this earth. And last night I found out I wasn’t immune to heckling. Not when the hecklers were a duo, and they were saying vile things about the woman I loved. A woman who had broken up with me and was ignoring me. Life was cruel.
“You know, I called this…” Leon boasted, sipping his whisky.
After finally cashing in his raincheck for that tea party with Penny, he’d sought me out in my home office. I couldn’t get rid of this guy. Leon had followed me home after work, demanding more details than the tidbits I’d given him in the office. Now we sat across from each other in my study, and I hated to admit that his company was better than being alone with my brooding thoughts. I’d done enough of that lately.
“You didn’t call anything,” I said.
Leon was adamant. “Yes, I did. I said you were gaga over this woman the second you got back from that vacation.”
“Yeah, it hasn’t gotten me very far.” Gina wouldn’t talk to me. Not only that, the last time I’d heard her voice, she’d told me to stay out of her life.
I didn’t know how to cope with that. She’d very easily become a fixture in a short amount of time, and now that had been ripped away from me.
It’d been days since her initial call after Chris showed up at her job trying to blackmail her with what I believed were fake documents. There was no doubt in my mind that Victoria had helped him doctor those forms without ever visiting a courthouse.
Victoria was sticking to her underhanded tactics and had gained a sidekick in the process. That wouldn’t matter to me if her sidekick wasn’t oblivious and also Gina’s ex-husband. Last night, things had escalated to a point I wasn’t proud of, but at the same time I didn’t regret.
There was no one that would talk shit about Gina in my presence and go unscathed. And I didn’t give a damn about the repercussions. Until Gina told me to stay out of her life. I didn’t want to do that. Icouldn’tdo that.
Right now, I understood her need for space. And I’d give her that. But as soon as we’d both calmed down emotionally, I would find my woman and explain everything.
Together, we would find a way to maneuver our exes and figure out what our future will look like. There had to be something I was overlooking, and the sooner Leon was out of my house, the sooner I could find a solution.
“Leon, I’m going to call it a nigh—” Three soft knocks on the door interrupted my attempt to get rid of him.
The door pushed open and revealed the woman I had dreamed about every night since the last time I saw her. Even on bad terms, she’d never strayed far from my mind. I missed her constant presence in my life.
“Gina.” My voice sounded awestruck, even to my own ears. I stood up and headed straight for the door.
“Do you have a minute to talk?” She took a tentative step inside, only to stop short when she saw Leon in my guest chair.
I shot him a look that said, “get the hell out” and he promptly stood to his feet to leave. But not before he fixed her with a charming smile and extended his hand.