Gina left her seat immediately and came over and sat on my lap, and enveloped me in a tight hug.
“It’s horrible what happened, Mav. I’m sorry it did, but you shouldn’t blame yourself.”
She was right, I knew, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty about my parents’ demise. If I hadn’t insisted on them showing up, then they would still be here.
“I can’t help but to blame myself. Enrick had been hospitalized because he’d had his appendix removed and my mom was thinking of staying with Enrick, while my dad would come alone to my graduation. Being self-centered as I was, I lashed out and told them that if they both didn’t show up, then I’d never forgive either of them. It’s my fault they’re both gone. Enrick only had sixteen years with them while I had twenty-six. It’s not fair to him. It’s not fair to Penny either. She deserves loving grandparents.”
Gina reined kisses all over my face before returning to her seat. She placed her warm hand in mine and said in a stern voice, “Your parents’ untimely death isn’t your fault. As a parent I know, and you do too, that we’d do anything for our children. And your parents were operating in service to you. Their own son. Who I’m sure they loved very much. As parents, we are sometimes prone to participate in our children’s outlandish whims and outbursts because we want them to be happy.”
When she put it that way, it eased some of my anxiety over the situation.
“Plus, I’m sure they’re proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. You have a fledging business and a wonderful daughter. You’ve done a wonderful job raising Enrick. He will soon be a college graduate. Forgive yourself. I am confident that your parents have forgiven you.”
“I’ll try.” I responded after a few moments of silence, and I meant it.
“Hey,” she said, forcing me to look up at her. “Do you want to know what I’m thinking?”
I gave her a half-smile, encouraging her on. I was glad about the change of topic. “No, what?”
“The fact that we met on vacation because of our own kids’outlandish whims. They wanted joint sleepovers, barbecues, and pool parties.”
“That’s very true.” I smiled at her.
“Speaking of vacation,” Gina said, tilting her head to the side. “Our exes have been on their best behavior.”
“They’re probably too distracted by their second vacation in less than a month to raise hell in our lives.”
Yesterday, Chris and Victoria had skipped town on short notice. They only said that they were “getting away” for a few days before disappearing. With things as shaky with Victoria as they were, her distance didn’t bother me. But I still had my suspicions about why she was suddenly playing “nice.” She had to be up to something.
“Let’s hope it stays that way,” she replied.
Our food arrived a few minutes later, and we feasted on it while doing a poor job of feeding each other with chop sticks.
Laughter filled the room every time the wait staff walked in to bring another dish or remove a plate. Conversation flowed easily because it felt like I was talking to my best friend. I loved how easy it felt to justbearound her.
“Did you date much after your divorce?” I asked, perking her attention.
She inhaled deeply. “I went on a few dates here and there, but they never really stuck, you know? They never felt right. It was like something was missing.” She cut her gaze to me with a playful smirk on her lips. “Until you.”
I wanted to reach over to her and steal a kiss for all the times before when I couldn’t. So, I did. She was right. Nothing had ever felt as good as it did to be with her.
We talked about my dating history, which she was surprised to learn had been as nonexistent as hers. Victoria had been my very first girlfriend and the prospect of entering the dating world again had never been on my priority list. We ordered dessert and spoke a bit more about our personal lives that by the time we were in the car headed home, an unspoken bond had formed between us.
A bond stronger than what we already shared. Magnetic energy filled the air, pulling us into each other’s orbit and magnifying the unmistakable attraction between us.
As I parked my car in front of my house, I turned to find Gina’s body angled toward mine in the passenger seat. She was leaning over the center console as she watched me in the darkness of the car. The motion sensor lights in front of the house cast a dim glow on the interior of the car.
Gina’s lips were parted, like she was waiting on a kiss, and I greedily obliged. Leaning over the center console, my hands got lost in her curls and my breath got caught in my throat as I tried to keep up with the fire she ignited within me.
My pulse was a separate entity at this point, thudding violently against the base of my neck. I wanted Gina more than I wanted my next breath. The scent of her, the taste of her and the feel of her were all clouding my senses with lust that I didn’t want to ignore anymore. It was time that she became mine in every sense of the word.
Somewhere between kissing and touching each other all over, we made it to the front door and stepped inside. No sooner than the door closed, I was on Gina like a man depraved.
“I want you, Maverick,” Gina said, speaking my thoughts aloud.
I was glad we were on the same page about this, because my body was strung tight and ready to burst with the faintest trigger.
With my hand wrapped around the back of her neck, I pulled her closer to me and inhaled.