I hated to admit it, but I’d breathed a sigh of relief when he left andstayed away.
There were fewer fires for me to put out and more moments to enjoy.
But tomorrow, the beautiful oasis would cease to exist. Maverick and I had spent the better part of the day getting the kids ready to leave first thing in the morning.
We’d gone to all our favorite restaurants on the island, sunbathed and played water games one last time, and then we’d had a “packing party” to see who could pack all their things the quickest and the neatest.
And finally, Maverick and I gave in to Mycah and Penny’s request for a sleepover. They’d been asking for ages only to fall asleep less than an hour into it because of how exhausted they were from the day’s events.
That left Maverick and me as the only two who were still awake. Clutching my wineglass, I tried to tamp down the very distracting thoughts of him I’d been dealing with the whole vacation. That near kiss had been on my mind since the day it didn’t happen.
I’d even dreamt about it, but unfortunately it always ended before our lips touched. Which left me more frustrated than fulfilled. Since the yacht, there had been plenty of close calls, but something always stood in the way of us kissing. Maybe it was for the best.
I didn’t exactly need another thing to get over when this trip was a thing of the past.
Maverick was a lot of things. Most of all, he was an enigma to my system. I had never met anyone as patient, thoughtful, and generous as he was. With every excursion or activity available away from the cottages, he ensured Mycah and I were included and never requested any payment in return.
It wasn’t his responsibility, but he had taken it on with a smile on his face and scowled when I mentioned us paying our own way.
I’d never forget that. Even after we inevitably went back to the “real world” and went on to lead our separate lives.
“Come sit on the deck with me one last time?”
Maverick’s voice was steady as he looked me up and down. He’d managed to make his request sound like a question and a command wrapped up in one. I wasted no time following him to our favorite nook on the deck.
Oversized chairs awaited us, as well as a cool breeze from the ocean to cut through the humid night air. We watched the waves crash against the shore in the distance, the ebb and flow soothing and awe-inspiring.
His proximity was not something I was looking forward to leaving behind. But all good things must come to an end? Right?
I took another sip of my wine to quiet my thoughts and focus on something other than finally finishing that kiss we started. Maverick seemed to read my mind, because in that very moment, he turned to me. It was dark out, but I could still feel the shift beside me.
Suddenly, he’s taking the wine glass from my hand. When my hands were empty, he grabbed them in his own and the electricity of his touch made me hyperaware of our closeness and seclusion. This knowledge sent a ripple of undiluted desire coursing through my veins.
“Before we leave, I have to say this.”
His tone was suddenly serious, and that intrigued me.
“What is it? Is everything okay?”
“Everything is wonderful. Because of you. That’s what I wanted to talk about.”
I was thankful that we were outside, surrounded by darkness. Otherwise, he might have seen my face flush.
“The cards weren’t exactly stacked in our favor when we got here, but you helped me make the best of the situation. It wouldn’t be right to leave here without thanking you.”
Moved by his words, I paused. “I should be the one thanking you.”
Maverick stepped closer to me. “No. I don’t think you get it. Your friendship has meant a lot over the last two weeks.”
Friendship. That word served as a reality check. Of course, that’s what this was. Just two single parents trying to make the best of a situation for our kids.That’s it.Our exes were somewhere canoodling. Nothing was happening between Maverick and me. It was just too weird.
“I didn’t understand why Penny was so obsessed with Mycah until I met you. He shares a lot of the qualities I adore about you.”
“God, I’m rambling.” Maverick heaved a sigh that made me giggle. “And you’re laughing at me.”
“No, I’m not.” I giggled again, not helping matters. “I just think it’s cute.”