“It’s seven.”
“We told my mom we’d be back by nine, right?”
“Which means we have time for a shower? Together?” I tossed out, eager for his response.
Suddenly, Maverick’s hands halted. “I’m way ahead of you.”
In two seconds flat, Maverick was out of the bed and headed for his en-suite bathroom. When he reached the door, he turned back to me.
“What are you waiting for?”
That was all the invitation I needed to pull myself out of bed and go join him for another taste of the sweetest indulgence.
“Mommy!” Mycah screamed, racing to me at the front door when I walked in. I caught him in my arms just as he launched himself at me.
“Hi, bud. Did you have a good night?”
“Yeah! Grandma and Penny and me played so many games and ate so much food,” he reported.
Behind me, Maverick muttered, “Speaking of Penny, where is she? Why don’t I get a warm welcome like that?” he asked jokingly.
We got to the kitchen and found Penny deeply invested in a tutorial my mother was giving her about plating foods. I spotted edible flowers and shook my head at my mother’s extravagance. When she said she’d be whipping up a quick breakfast, I hadn’t expectedthis.
There was a small feast laid out on the table. After some time, Penny ultimately realized her father was there and abandoned her task to rush into his arms. A soft smile touched my lips as I watched them together. His whole cool, stoic demeanor changed whenever he was around his daughter, and it was the cutest thing I’d ever witnessed.
“Gina, could you help me bring the juice to the table?” my mother asked conveniently.
This would guarantee we were alone in the kitchen while Maverick and the kids headed back to the living room.
“How was your night?” she asked, her eyes roving over every visible inch of me. No doubt trying to discern any noticeable changes.
Unable to stop the smile on my face, I sighed contentedly. “My night was pure bliss.”
My mother’s eyebrows rose to touch the sky. “Pure bliss, huh?”
“Mom, everything was perfect. The restaurant. The food. The wine. The company,” I tacked on at the end, my smile growing wider.
“Gina, you are glowing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. Not even with Chris,” she whispered loudly, causing me to look in the doorway to make sure no one was in earshot.
“Mom,” I blushed, not confirming her words but knowing they rang true.
“Mhm, we’ll chat later.” She handed me the pitcher of orange juice and I shuffled off to the table. Together, we ate til we were stuffed on pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit. It was the first thing I’d eaten since the restaurant last night, so I ate my fill, replenishing all the energy I’d burned since then.
The kids barely ate a couple bites, and I suspected my mother had pumped them up with sugary cereal before we arrived. Cereal was not something Mycah ate often because of the sugar high and inevitable crash, but he knew how to sweet talk his grandmother into giving him just about anything. Penny must have been included in that effort today.
After clearing the table, Maverick and I shared a knowing look and got the kids to sit down around the coffee table. My mother had retired to her room for a nap—the kids must have worn her out—so it was just the four of us in the living room.
“Kids,” Maverick started, “We want to talk to you about something.”
Trying to read their expressions, I studied Penny and Mycah’s face and find nothing but aloofness.
“Honey,” I said, focusing in on Mycah, “Maverick and I are dating now. Which means we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”
“Penny, I like Ms. Gina and we’ll be spending a lot more time together. Is that alright with you?”