“Three alphas, one beta, and one omega. And then me, tiptoeing around the edge.”

“Okay. I’m not sure off the top of my head, but Dr. J might know more, and if she doesn’t, we’ll dig into it. I’d still recommend you coming in for an appointment.”

“But it's an omega clinic.”

“Yeah, and you’re my sister. She’ll see you if I ask.”

I hugged him hard until he let out a little squeak of air. “Thank you.”

“No worries. Now let's go back out and make sure Mom hasn’t started planning your wedding.”



Nicky'swholefamilywasa bunch of chatterboxes. In a good way. Her younger brother Luca had followed her father and I into the den, and I’d spent the next twenty minutes listening to the two of them regale me about their trip to Brazil back in 2014 to see the World Cup together. It was almost enough to make me suggest Brazil for a future pack trip except for the fact that Billie wilted in the heat like an unwatered flower and Jasper practically burst into flames in direct sunlight.

Luca was a sweet kid, if I could call a twenty-six-year-old man a kid, and it was obvious to anyone who looked for half a second that Nicky's dad was a loving family man. Mine was too, but we had very little in common. Football had never been particularly interesting to me. My dad loved it, so I had learned, which was proving to be an asset now. I couldn’t quite tell if Luca actually enjoyed it or if it was the positive interaction with his father that he craved.

Once their stories had finished and we returned to the main room, I was back under the scrutiny of Nicky's mother. She seemed to like me so far, but I’d seen that sharp, bright gaze on mothers before, the proverbial wedding bells dancing in her eyes. That was to be expected when the middle child got married first. I slid straight over to Nicky and let my arm rest comfortably around her waist.

“When was the last time you brought someone home?” I whispered.

“About five years.”

Well that explained it.

I was curious what Nicky's mother would think about her joining a pack, and then cut that thought off. Nickyhadn’tjoined our pack, no matter how easily she slipped into it.

Things had to happen in their own time.



The crushing force of expectation couldn’t have a place in that decision.

Nicky's oldest brother studied me. He was the only alpha in their family, and I tried to relax under his steady assessment. To be honest, I was surprised he hadn’t immediately pulled me aside. Family was like a pack until you struck out on your own, and, while Nicky might not take too kindly to the concept, his instincts were likely nudging him to protect her from a new alpha.

When he did wave me over, I went willingly.

“Take a walk with me?” he asked.

I nodded. Even if I hadn’t been inclined, I couldn’t have said no without arousing suspicion.

The night wind was a little bit chilly, but I could manage for a short walk.

“So…” he began.

“Are you worried about your sister?” I asked without any preamble as we set off down the street.

Sidney snorted. “Only in some ways. She can take care of herself, but I would be remiss in my brotherly duties if I didn’t talk to you anyway.”

“I can respect that.”

“So, what's the deal with your pack?”

My surprise was only momentary. Mostly I was just glad that Nicky clearly trusted her brother enough to tell him about the situation.