Billie huffed in my ear, but kept their hands where they were.

“I can go,” offered Jasper.

I chanced a look at him and was struck breathless by the longing fire in his eyes.


That was forme.

They all waited for me to decide. It felt almost hypocritical to be awkward when barely two days ago I’d had a four-way on their couch upstairs.

Tony's palm rested on the back of my neck. “Nicky?”

God, why did that stupid hand feel so good? The wild thought of being pinned down with it flickered through my mind, and I sucked in a shallow breath. Jasper watched me with open want in his eyes.

“Ishouldrest,” I said. “But you’re making it very difficult to make rational decisions when you look at me like that.”

Jasper gave me a charming grin and put his hands in front of his eyes. “Better?”

“No.” I giggled. “That just makes me like you more.”

My stomach growled obnoxiously.

Tony laughed and gave my neck a little squeeze. “Let's get you some food, and afterwards you can decide if you’re going to take mercy on Jasper.”

They let me slip out of the water first, and I wrapped a beach towel around myself before the other three of them joined me. I tried in vain to not stare at the obviously tented swim trunks.

I had always been glad I didn’t have the potential for a boner, specifically for moments like this. Sure they could smell when I was turned on, but I could do the same to them. It was a relief to not have such a blatant visual indicator for myself, though it did very good things for my ego, considering I was pretty sure both of those erections were for me.

Billie and I shared a shower upstairs to scrub away the chlorine. They were remarkably well behaved, all things considered. We all regrouped downstairs in the kitchen where Hana was grating cheese onto two cookie sheets of nacho chips.

My mouth watered in anticipation.

The others took up their posts as if they all had some secret telepathic communication, each managing a different ingredient to complete our meal—Jasper whipping up a pico de gallo, Billie warming up shredded chicken from the freezer, and Tony mashing up an avocado for guacamole.

Hana passed me a glass of water. “Hydrate. The pool takes a lot out of you.”

My fingers curled around the glass and I lifted it to my lips, chugging down a good half of it under her watchful gaze. She gave me a nod of approval and turned back to her task.

“Can I help?”

“No.” Hana’s amber eyes froze me to the spot. “Drink your water. Tony told me you’re supposed to be resting.”

I sighed and had a few more sips.

When Hana finished with the cheese and shoved the trays under the broiler, she went and filled three more glasses with water, setting one in front of each of the other members of her pack. She didn’t have to tell them to drink, all of them downing their glasses in a few short seconds.

I’d been living away from home for over a decade, and none of my past partners had really had those natural caregiving tendencies. It was nice: to be watched over, to be cared for so diligently, and by so many people.

God. I hoped I didn’t fuck this all up.

It was all so new, but screwing up withanyone of them would bring this all crashing down and I was already dangerously attached.

I sipped my water to distract myself.

Hana got us set up at the table with a tray at each end and a card game in the middle. She briefed me on the rules—lay down your letter cards to make a new word as fast as you can, first one out wins—and set out five pairs of chopsticks so we didn’t get our greasy fingers all over the cards.

I had a reputation to preserve. There was no way I was going to lose at a spelling game.