I finished off my shift, doing my best to lose myself in the work so that I didn’t spiral. The day staff arrived ten minutes late, which wasn’t entirely terrible since I used the excuse of my shift being over to text Billie good morning.
Kathy and Belinda trotted into the library, their hair windblown and their cheeks flushed. “I’m so sorry we’re late,” Belinda said, gasping as she made it to the front desk. “We carpooled this morning, and there was an accident on the freeway.”
“No worries.” I ran through the set up I had done for their programs and was more than ready to leave by the time we finished that chat.
I hitched my purse over my shoulder and barrelled out the library doors.
I skidded to a stop at the top of the stairs, spinning to see Alphonse standing there with a frown on his face and a hand on his hip. The iced coffee he carried was dripping condensation and only the last quarter of it remained.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
His frown deepened. “I’m here to pick you up for our date. I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”
I stared at him, incomprehensibly. Even if I had agreed to a date there was no reason for him to wait that long when I didn't even get off work until seven, and the extra time wasn’t my fault. Still, the guilt swelled in my stomach and made me vaguely nauseous.
My phone buzzed, and I spared a glance at the screen. A text from Billie asking how my shift had gone.
“I should really get going though. I didn’t mean to make you wait.”
I wanted to go home and sleep, but Alphonse was staring at me like I’d just kicked a puppy in front of him. He scooped up my hand, and I fought the urge to wrench it out of his grip so I didn't upset him.
“You meanweshould get going.”
That was definitelynotwhat I meant. Guilt whispered in my ear. What harm could one date do? I’d disappeared into the night on him, maybe this was like a cosmic re-balancing.
I needed to eat anyway.
I tried to keep my sigh from being obvious and wandered back towards him.
“Okay. Where are we going?”
“I bought all of the ingredients for French toast,” he replied, beaming at me like he expected a pat on the head.
Did that mean I was supposed to go over to his place? “I thought you wanted to go out?”
“I thought my place would be more relaxing than a restaurant for you,” he said, voice dripping with sympathy. “You always liked quiet evenings in more than out.”
I fought down the urge to pinch the bridge of my nose. It was true, but I just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. “I would really rather go out.”
His eyes narrowed. “I did a whole grocery shop for you, and you want me to just waste all of that and buy you a meal instead?”
“I guess not.” I covered a yawn with my hand.
Alphonse sighed, pulling me closer. “Nicky, I got up this early because you’re important to me, and I expected the same level of respect in return. Here's what we’re going to do. I’m going to drive you to my place, you’re going to enjoy the meal I make for you, we’ll have a pleasant conversation, and after that, I’ll drop you off back here. It’ll be just like old times.”
Old times…
The idea made me nauseated.
“Just one meal,” he prompted. “I’ve missed you.”
I also really didn’t want to go over to his place, but how much harm could there be in French toast?
“I can drive myself.”