“Good. I won’t take it very far tonight.”

“What if I wanted to?”

“You’re on recovery time,” I insisted. “I want you to be able to walk later, and Tony was already plenty for you. Plus, I need to get Hana adjusted to the idea first.”

“I can be patient. You said slow would be just as fun,” she whispered.

I bit down on her shoulder hard enough to make her freeze, lifting my head to growl in my ear. “Are you not having a good time, Nicky?”

I gathered her hair into my fist and kissed up the back of her neck.

“Fuck,” she gasped.

“I should get you to bed before we both take things too far. Do you want to stay up here with me or go down to the others?”

“Will Billie be upset if I stay up here?” she asked, voice quiet, a touch of nerves colouring the words.

“I think you’ll find they’re pretty good at sharing. They’ll just be happy you’re still in the house.”

Nicky yawned, as if the mention of a bed reminded her how exhausted she was.

“Have you soaked long enough? Tony will feel bad if he's ruined you.”

“Well, if he did, it was my fault, but I think I’m okay for now.”

“Perfect.” I got the tub draining and slid out of the water, fetching us both towels from the warming rack. Nicky let me dry her off, and she snuggled into my bed, happy as a clam. Roscoe hopped onto the bed and slammed himself down to be Nicky’s little spoon. I shoved my arm under the pillows and wrapped the other around Nicky, tucking my palm under her cheek. My cock was still at attention against her ass.

“Do you want some help with that?” she asked.

I nipped her shoulder. “Go to sleep, Nicky. It's not going to kill either of us to wait for another time to get our hands on each other.”



Istoppeddeadinsidethe door, smell of sex hitting me like a brick wall.

Someone obviously had fun while I was at work. I dropped my keys on their designated hook and kicked off my shoes, wandering into the living room where I found Billie sprawled on top of Tony, the both of them fast asleep. I could smell Gabe, too, and a more unfamiliar scent mixed with the others.

I nudged Tony. He opened one eye and stretched slowly. “Morning, Han.”

I leaned down to kiss him. “I can’t believe you guys had an orgy without me. Rude.”

Tony chuckled, and the combo of sound and movement woke Billie.

Our beta grinned up at me and reached grabby hands to lure me into a kiss, too. “Hey there, beautiful. How was work?”

“Sweaty. Quadruple boot camps and some very competitive clients. Where's Gabe? He usually stays down with you.”

“He's keeping our guest company,” said Tony, offering me a soft, almost apologetic smile.

“Is this a guest I know?”

“You knowofher,” Billie said. “You haven't met her yet.”

I dug my fingers into the back of the couch. I always liked to climb into Gabe’s bed after work, but I couldn’t do that today if someone I didn’t know was in there. She probably wouldn’t take kindly to a stranger sliding between the sheets.

“Is it the librarian you’ve been crushing on?” I asked.