“What do you think of our abode?” Tony asked.

“It's gorgeous.Waybigger than I was expecting.”

He chuckled softly and flipped some pancakes from the pan onto a plate, setting it in front of us. Billie fetched us plates and cutlery while I sipped at my matcha latte. Tony's phone buzzed on the countertop, and he flipped it over, glancing up at me.

“Do you mind if Gabe pops down here to grab some pancakes? Otherwise, I can take him a plate.”

Nerves jumbled in my stomach. “He can come down. I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t be in their own house just because I’m here. That's not very fair.”

Billie nuzzled up to me and wrapped both arms around my waist after setting down the plates. “He's not scary I promise.”

They stood on their toes and gave me a kiss that sent sizzles up my back. When I pulled away I saw Tony watching us appreciatively in between spooning more batter into the pan. My pussy clenched. I’d never been explicitly watched in the past, but apparently that was something that I was into.

Footsteps coming down the stairs had me turning. An impossibly gorgeous man in a white tank top and ripped jeans with golden skin and tousled dark hair appeared, sauntered across the space towards us. I couldn’t help but stare. His easy smile as he approached me had me squeezing my thighs together. I stared at his outstretched hand for a moment, belatedly realizing I was supposed to shake it, and thrust my hand into his grip.

“Nice to meet you, Nicky. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Gabriel Hassan. Feel free to shorten it to Gabe.”

My tongue felt thick and I swallowed hard. Billie nudged my hip and I jumped, coughing to recover myself. “Nice to meet you, too.”

“I’ll be out of your hair soon.” He picked up a plate and speared three pancakes onto it with his fork, pausing to peruse the syrup collection.

“Stay.” The word flew out of my mouth.

Billie looked absolutely beside themselves with excitement, and I caught Tony biting his bottom lip to cover a smile.

“You’re sure?” Gabe asked. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“ButI’mthe intrusion here. I can certainly manage a meal with you here. Besides, I feel like the faster I meet all of you, the happier Billie will be.”

“It's true!” Billie skipped across the open space and lifted Spud from the couch, holding him up. “Come meet the little prince.”

Gabe turned to Spud and walked towards Billie, giving me a brief reprieve. I inched closer to Tony and leaned against the counter next to where he was working.

“You okay, Nicky?”



“Are all of you like ridiculous levels of beautiful? I mean, we’re four out of five so far. Is this just a house of secret models?”

Tony cackled, and that had both Gabe and Billie looking over at us. My cheeks flared with heat, and I covered it up by spinning to keep my back towards them, holding out a plate for Tony to deposit the next ready pancakes.

“I think only Gabe has done modelling, but Hana's definitely no slouch in the looks department either.”

I was so doomed.

How were they all this pretty?

I bit down a whine, but Tony must’ve sensed my distress anyways. He dropped in more batter and then held one arm open to me.

“Come here.”

I followed the instructions and tucked myself against him, my skin buzzing as he set his arm around my shoulders. His soothing scent settled my nerves and helped me relax. I drifted in that comfortable altered state in the cocoon of his alpha scent.

Tony was so warm. There were no cameras watching this time, so I let myself rest against him and looped my arms around his waist so I could link my fingers comfortably.

“Better?” he asked, barely loud enough for me to hear.