“I was already stuck with you because of the surprise bond, but I can’t think of anyone better to be stuck with.”

“I’m really sorry about that, by the way. I know you weren’t ready for something that big.”

I had thought about it a lot since, and I needed him to understand. “I finished what you started, and whether or not I thought I wasn’t ready at the time doesn’t change the fact that I love being bonded to you. Maybe by the next heat I’ll be ready to bond the others, but in the meantime, I like having this one special thing between us.”

“Thank god for Billie going balls to the wall when they met you. We’re so fucking lucky to have you, Nicky. I’m going to bake Billie some brownies to thank them for their unrelenting thirst.”

I collapsed into laughter and snared him in a kiss and drank him in until I was breathless and needy, perfectly ready to climb on top of him right there in the greenhouse.

“Nicky, if we fuck out here, everyone's going to know. And I usually wouldn’t mind, but my moms are here. I know that they know I have sex, but I don’t want them toknow, you know?”

I giggled helplessly. “Extremely fair. I’m not such a fan of my parents knowing, either.”

Jasper and I went for a walk around the gated community until we had both calmed down enough to go back inside without arousing suspicion.



Iwasborderingonhoarse from talking so much by the time all of our guests left for the day, but the energy from the greenhouse had sat at a low simmer in the background for me.

“Is it cool if I pick out some stuff from the playroom for tonight?” I asked.

The pack scents burst as one, and I breathed in all those gorgeous coffee shop and bakery smells. They had been so gentle with me since the break-in, and I was finally feeling well enough, in body and spirit, to dive back into how incredible they could make me feel.

“Pick out whatever you’d like,” said Hana. “Do you need any help?”

“Nope. I think I’m okay. I’ll grab anything that looks interesting, and then I’ll leave it up to you to figure out what we do with what I gather.”

Hana nodded. “Which room do you want to play in, and who do you want involved?”

“Maybe the gym? I liked the mirrors last time. And if everyone's up for it, I thought we could make it a whole pack affair.”

I scampered away before the scent of them made me too needy and slipped downstairs.

The playroom was equally as intimidating as the last time I had been there, but there was more curiosity mixed in on this occasion.

I bee-lined for the wall full of colourful toys. I wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure how the whole strap-on situation worked, but I definitely wanted Hana to fuck me with one. I picked out a fairly thick purple dildo with intriguing ridges down the length of it. Setting it atop one of the sharply angled ramps in the middle of the room, I went in search of some more items.

There was a set of hooks along a wall that held a series of poles, each of them with two or four cuffs attached. I picked out what looked like a fairly simple one with two cuffs at each end and grabbed another set of fuzzy wrist cuffs like Hana had used on me, adding them to the pile in the middle of the room. I grabbed a few bundles of rope, too. I wasn’t entirely sure what we would do with them, but I figured: if they were here, then the pack knew how to use them.

A good portion of the stock they had were things that I had never seen before, let alone gotten experience with. Maybe in time I would get to try everything that was here.

I looked down at the pile I had acquired. If I needed other things to supplement to make them work, then I would let the pack pick those.

When I opened the door, I found Hana and Gabe wiping down the mats together. Both of their gazes locked on me.

“Find what you’re looking for?” Hana asked.

“I think so?”

“Bring it out.” She patted the mats. “Let's see what we can arrange for you.”

I retreated and gathered up my treasures, pushing one of the ramps with my toes until I’d gotten it all out of the room, and Gabe grabbed the ramp for me, transporting it to the mats.

I laid everything out and Hana whistled. “Someone's feeling adventurous today.”

“You guys have so much cool stuff. How was I supposed to pick?”