“Billie knows everyone a lot better than I do,” I said. “They’re the perfect person to help you get to know everyone.”
Mom relented and let Billie hook their arm through hers and take her to meet all of the guests.
“You look like you’re doing well Nick,” Sidney said as he dropped an arm over my shoulder.
I leaned into him, surveying my pack and our loved ones. “I am. I’m excited for the future.”
Allie snuggled into my other side. “I’m really happy for you, Nicky. Do you think you’ll get bonded to them?”
Sidney ruffled his wife's hair. “That's probably not a conversation to have in front of two dozen people.”
I liked the idea of being stuck with my pack. Bonding was very permanent, but that didn’t scare me much. I could be part of the pack without being bonded to everyone else right this second. There was no rush. During one of Jasper's future heats, we could make it happen.
“That's a future Nicky situation,” I said, “but I would like to one day.”
I introduced Meg and Luna to my pack. Luna took an immediate liking to Jasper and hung out with him and Luca while they chatted about the bakery. Meg gravitated toward Hana and Koji. It settled a lot of questions and worries for me to see the pack welcome my own and to finally meet some of the people dearest to the ones I loved. I retreated into the kitchen to snuggle into Gabe's side. He and Billie were the only ones without their own guests today.
“You okay?” I asked Gabe.
“Yeah. I’m used to the crowds, and I love everyone's family.”
“Do you wish that you had someone here?”
“Nah, my parentshatecrowds. It's better for everyone that they’re not here. I’ll take you to meet them someday soon if you’d like.”
“Yes, please. I want to meet everyone important to you.”
Gabe kissed my forehead, and I cuddled closer. Billie joined us after getting my parents into a conversation with Angelica's pack. Each of us wrapped an arm around Billie, and I nuzzled their hair. Our beta had no one to invite. They had told me early on that they didn’t begrudge anyone having a positive relationship with their family, but I had to assume that it was probably difficult for them, in any case.
“Love you,” I said and kissed their hair.
Billie squeezed my arm. “Love you too, Books.”
I leaned up to kiss Gabe's cheek and breathed in the rich scent of tea. “Loveyou, too.”
Gabe stroked my hair. “Didn’t know you were ready for that yet, or I’d have told you the night I got you on my bike.”
“I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but I get there eventually.”
He chuckled, and I lifted my head for a quick kiss.
“I love you, too, Nicky.”
Before dating the pack, I had never said ‘I love you’ to anyone that I dated. I loved a lot of people in my life, but it was still surreal to find multiple partners that made me want to say it. I felt safe, treasured. I wanted to spend the rest of my life making sure they all felt the same.
I turned to see Luca waving me over.
“I’m being summoned,” I said. “I’ll be back, and if I get stolen, you can come reclaim me.”
I slid away from Gabe and Billie, venturing over to where Luca, Luna, and Jasper were clustered together, sipping mimosas on the couch nest.
“What's up, babes?” I asked, sliding in to cuddle against Jasper's side.
“We’re talking more about the second location of the bakery,” said Jasper.