She captured Billie's menace of a mouth, and I was treated to the view of them making out as they stacked their fists, continuing to stroke me. My body slowly tensed, pleasure coiling tightly.
My shifted breathing and string of quiet curses gave me away. Nicky broke away from Billie and took me in once more. I needed all of my willpower to not choke her by bucking into her mouth. She swallowed me with ease, and I struggled to watch, briefly giving in to the urge to squeeze my eyes shut and pant through the swell of sensation.
Nicky showed no sign of stopping once I had emptied myself down her throat. The overstimulation had me curling away, her mouth chasing me until I pulled her off by the hair, enamoured with her grin when she looked up at me.
“You’ve been spending too much time with Hana,” I said, chuckling.
“You mean youdon’twant me to keep sucking your cock until there's nothing else in the world you can think of and you beg me to stop because it's just too much?” Nicky rapidly blinked her eyes, the picture of innocence.
“Jesus Christ.” I sucked in a sharp breath.
Billie cackled next to us. “Books is going to wreck us all if we let her keep hanging out with Hana.”
“It'syourfault,” she told Billie. “You’re the one who started me on this path of carnal revelations.”
Billie nodded solemnly. “I accept full responsibility for this delightful path change in your life.”
Nicky caught me off guard with one more quick lick before she climbed straight into my lap and kissed me until my brain turned to mush.
“Now about the mentorship program…”
I laughed hard, full bellied and loud. “You have to give me a few minutes to let my brain reassemble itself.”
“Not to worry,” she said, kissing the tip of my nose. “I can be patient.”
“Weshouldheadback,”Hana said.
Hana had taken me on a walk—a flat one—to work off my nervous energy before everyone arrived. She’d been remarkably indulgent about my swinging our joined hands together. I couldn’t help it. I had told two of the pack that I loved them, and I was trying to come around to telling the others, which meant my anxiety translated into fidgeting.
“What if they all hate me?” I asked.
“We’ve only invited the family members who are most supportive of our situation in general. And honestly, I couldn’t give a flying fuck what any of them think. What matters is thatwewant you here. But in any case, my brother will probably love you, and Jasper's moms definitely will. Tony's family is protective, but they open up quickly.”
“How do you know your brother will love me?”
She pulled us to a stop and yanked me close. “Because I’ve decided thatIlove you, and that's the only thing Koji has ever cared about with my partners.”
My breath caught in my throat. Hana lovedme.
“You know, I’d been planning on telling you that first,” I said.
“Is that so, little beta?” Hana purred.
“It might be. I’ve sat with a lot of feelings lately, and I know for certain that what I feel for you and the rest of the pack is bigger and better than anything I felt for anyone else I’ve been with. So yes, itisso.”
Hana kissed me until my brain scrambled, right out in the open, under the bright sunshine. It only felt safe enough to do so because of Alphonse's impending trial and the fact that he was handcuffed to his hospital bed, still recovering from Hana and Tony defending me.
“Are you telling the whole pack the good news?” Hana asked.
“Billie and Tony already know,” I said. “Billie confessed first.”
Hana snorted. “They mentioned that, and I’m not remotely surprised they were the first to confess.”
“I still have to talk to Jasper and Gabe.”