I buried my face against Nicky’s throat, paying closer attention this time, taking in the subtle overlay of Jasper’s chocolate and cinnamon with Nicky’s nutmeg and vanillin.

Gabe took over caretaker duty, getting a meal prepared in the kitchenette and forcing food on those of us that were awake. I chewed on a croissant, trying not to get crumbs all over Nicky while she napped, but I was only mildly successful. Jasper licked the crumbs off her skin and left tiny kisses that had Nicky sighing in her sleep.

Tony and Gabe helped Jasper through his next flare-up, and I kept watch over Nicky, cuddling her softly. She woke after a couple of hours, agitated and restless until Jasper curled around her. I envied him that ability. Nicky responded well to all of us, but it wasn’t the same as having that extra connection.

“Do you want to have your family over when the heat is done?” I asked.

“I’d love that,” Nicky said, turning over in Jasper’s arms.

“I think you should meet some of our family, too,” I said. “If you’d be comfortable with that.”

“Yes, please. I want to meet the people important to all of you.”

“Mine won’t be coming,” said Billie, tone more than a little bitter.

“My parents moved to Seattle, so they don’t visit much,” I said. “My brother still lives around here. I can invite him over.”

“I’ll invite my moms,” Jasper offered. “I want them to get to know you, Nicky.”

“I’d love to meet your moms, Jasper. And Hana's brother!” Nicky turned to the other alphas. “What about you two?”

“My parents are out of the country right now, but my aunt and her bondmates would definitely come if they’re near town,” replied Tony. “I can give them a heads-up and see if they’re travelling our direction.”

“My parents are more phone call people,” said Gabe, “but I’ll put it out there for them. I’d like for our families to know about you, especially now that you’re bonded to Jasper.”

Nicky tensed, like she’d forgotten that fact again, and Jasper was there to soothe her, making her melt once more. “I want to meet everyone,” she said slowly. “It's nerve-wracking as hell, but it feels like an important step.”

She laced our fingers together and kissed the back of my hand.

The rest of us didn’t have family involvement anywhere near to the same level that Nicky did, and having the Marinos around more often would be a change. I was mostly okay with that, though. They were important to Nicky, and while I wouldn’t be comfortable with it immediately, I would try for her.

Jasper started to get squirmy, his sweet scent spiking. Tony took over, laying out behind Jasper and fucking into our omega’s ass. Nicky's scent spiked, too. One thing heats were good for was dispelling stress. The temptation to let myself sink back under the full influence of Jasper's heat hormones was like a neon sign in my brain demanding my attention. Instead, I turned to Nicky and caught her upturned mouth in a kiss.

I’d been so focused on her that I hadn’t fully acknowledged how much Alphonse had emotionally fucked me up. Our home wasn’t safe. I had almost been too late to save Nicky, and I would never forgive him for making any of us feel unsafe here.

Nothing like a brush with death to make you crave feeling alive again.

I drank in the taste of her, needing the distraction. Nicky wiggled against me, hips seeking, until she hissed and came to a standstill. “Ow! Sorry. Everything is still really tender.”

“You don’t have to apologize, Nicky. If you want to rest…”

“But Idon’twant to. If I let my mind get too quiet, it goes places I don’t like. I know I’ll need to get real help with that, but right now I don’t want to think. I just want to feel safe with you.”

“I’m proud of you. It’s hard to come to terms and admit when we need help.” I looked down at her, at the sweet, beautiful beta that had snared me down to the soul. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed, her skin coated with the lightest sheen of sweat and her body trembled under my scrutiny. “I can be gentle if you want to play.”

Nicky nodded, shivering harder. “Please.”

I captured her mouth again and threaded my fingers through her hair, cupping her head softly. Her lips were eager against mine. I kissed her until her whine broke through and she was up to the point of begging, her fingers kneading me.

“Hana, please.”

I shifted her around and settled her in Billie's lap, our other beta arranging a pillow for Nicky and stroking her hair. Gabe turned his focus onto her as well, and Nicky tipped her head back for Gabe to lay his palm over her throat.

A growl burned in my chest. She was too perfect.

Nicky's hips flexed, a silent request for me to give her a little more focused attention. Our omega gave a sharp cry, and I lifted my gaze briefly to watch him come. My sweet boy shuddered as Tony slid out of him, and Jasper immediately scooted closer, settling himself between Billie's leg and Nicky's body, fastening his lips over her nipple.

Her breath came in sharp pants, and she groaned beautifully as she buried her fingers in Jasper's hair, arching up against his mouth. The mattress dipped on the other side, and I turned to see Tony stretching out on Nicky's other side, his head pillowed by Billie's thigh as he lifted the swell of Nicky's breast to his mouth.