My tears started up again, and I sobbed until my throat was raw. Hana held me throughout.
“I was so scared,” I finally managed, voice cracking.
“I know. I heard the gunshot. I wasn’t sure what it was at first with the haze clouding me, but then Jasper lost it, and I took off with my heart in my throat.”
Hana hugged me fiercely.
“Thank you for saving me,” I murmured.
“I just came in at the end. I have no doubt that you would’ve been able to save yourself, but I’m glad I got the chance to be there.” She lifted my chin and kissed me softly. “My brave girl.”
I plastered myself against her. “I don’t want to ruin the heat. Should I stay down here?”
“No.” Hana grabbed my face with both hands. “Your presence ruins nothing. If you’re nearby, then we can comfort you and take care of Jasper and Billie at the same time. Don’t isolate yourself. If you truly want to stay down here, then I’ll stay with you, but if you’re doing it for any reason besides wanting to for yourself, then I’m going to have to insist you come back upstairs.”
I nodded slowly, too tired to argue when I didn’treallywant to be alone. “Okay, I’ll go back.”
She took me straight into Jasper's bathroom and got the bath running for me to soak my aching muscles. Billie came to join me, with some assistance from Gabe, and the two of us sat in the warm water. Hana brought me a water bottle and some painkillers along with a bowl of stew she warmed in the microwave. Being in Jasper's presence pulled her instincts to the surface again. She was drawn back to him, and the others took turns checking on me while I snuggled in Billie's arms.
“That asshole is lucky Hana didn’t one-hit kill him,” Billie said. “Threatening a pack member while an alpha's in rut is wildly stupid.”
I tucked closer. “I’m not a pack member though.”
Billie snorted. “I’m pretty sure if we took a vote on that, you’d be proven wrong.”
“But… No one hassaid.”
“Gabe said downstairs, and I’m saying right now. Girl, we gave you your own bedroom here. Granted, I know that's not words, but I personally thought it spoke pretty loud. I don’t wanna know what life is like without you. I want you to be part of our pack and stay with us, love us. Because I’m pretty fucking sure that I love you, and I don’t care how early it is into our relationship, I’m saying it.”
I shivered and sucked in a breath. “I’m pretty sure that I love you, too.”
My tears made another appearance over the declaration from this bright, beautiful beta who had laid their eyes on me and given me everything I had now. Billie caught me in a smooth kiss, and I let them distract me from the terrible happenings of the day, sinking into the affection and the reality their words brought forth.
“You could ask any of them, and I know they would say the same,” Billie said. “I’m sorry that we weren’t louder about it. Once that lot is fully back in their right mind, I’d probably have to duct tape their mouths shut to keep them from telling you. Do you want all that, Books? To be with us?”
“It feels scary to say yes,” I confessed. “I want to, but I think I need to let everything settle a bit. I don’t want all the amazing and terrible to be muddled up in this clusterfuck of a day.”
“I can respect that. For now, let us take care of you, okay?”
“Okay,” I agreed.
“Good.” Billie kissed my cheek. “Now take your medicine and eat your food.”
HoldingNickymademefeel better. Unfortunately, it made everyoneelsefeel better, too, so I had to wait my turn while they cuddled her in the nest. As the heat had faded to a manageable level, the reality of what had happened hit the pack hard.
Nicky had been below our feet, fighting for her life.
We had promised to keep her safe, and we had failed.
“Do you think they’ll let him free?” Nicky asked quietly.
“No fucking way,” said Billie. “The laws are super strict around omega heats. He totally fucked himself by choosing to come at you during Jasper’s. They’re definitely going to throw the book at that asshole.”
Intellectually, I knew that we weren’t at fault for what had happened, but it didn’t make the acceptance of it any easier. It wasn’t often that I felt helpless, and I wasnota fan of it. Now, I had to grapple with the idea that, if we hadn’t noticed in time, Nicky might be dead right now. I had told her that I was sure she could have saved herself, but she’d been pinned when I’d gotten down there, and it wasn’t a position that was easy to get out of for anyone, let alone a newbie. A couple of extra minutes and she could’ve passed out, been kidnapped, or killed, or…