Alphonse got a good hit in, punching Hana when she turned back to check on us. I’d never seen her take a hit before. She stumbled back, one hand covering the side of her face. A hit like that would’ve probably knocked me out cold. I struggled out of Tony's arms, trying to get to her, and the moment Alphonse reached for me, Tony swept up behind me, his fist bashing out Alphonse's two front teeth.
“What did I tell you about coming for my beta?” Tony growled.
Alphonse let out a string of curses and cupped his now-bleeding face. Hana pulled me aside, and checked me over, her eyes still glassy from the last edges of the rut. She took in my battered body, her growl rising, and her sharp mint scent taking on a burnt edge as the fury rose in her. I shied away from the intensity.
I turned back to the fight as Tony hit the ground, Alphonse holding a handful of his locs with his leg rearing back to deliver a kick. Hana tackled him, and they both crashed to the floor. She drove him face first into the floor by his hair, and his shout was cut off with the impact. Hana struck again and blood splattered over me. Her growl vibrated down to my bones.
Alphonse wasn’t moving anymore.
I struggled over to them, stepping over Tony to throw myself at her. “Hana, stop.”
She growled and turned her attention to me, gathering me into her arms and breathing deeply up my throat as I burst into wrenching, ugly sobs.
Hana cradled me tenderly. “Mine.”
She shook in my embrace, taking deep, gulping breaths to bring herself back to a properly lucid state to deal with the situation.
“Are you hurt?” she asked.
“I’ll be okay,” I told her. She didn’t need to know right now how much pain I was in.
Alphonse groaned, and there was a flood of relief that I wasn’t sitting next to a dead body, that I hadn’t just watched my alpha commit a murder to protect me. Hana set me aside and wrenched Alphonse’s arm behind his back.
“Tony, see if there's any rope or handcuffs in the drawer under the couch,” she said.
He moved unsteadily but followed her order, returning with a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs that seemed almost too comical for the situation. Hana locked them onto each of Alphonse's wrists and sat back to survey the damage.
She rubbed her forehead. “God, the rut is making it so hard to think. Have you called the police?”
“I dialed them earlier. The call should still be going,” I replied.
Tony leaned against my back, wrapping his arms around my waist, breathing me in as if to assure himself I was real.
“Where's your phone now? Are they close?” he asked.
“By the couch, I think. I don’t know how long until they get here.” I found my phone where I’d left it and stumbled back into his arms, letting both of my alphas cradle me.
“Hello?” I said into the phone, turning the volume back up.
“Thank goodness!” The operator sounded so relieved. “Everything has been recorded, and the police are about two minutes out. Are you safe at the moment?”
“Yeah, we managed to fight back.”
“Can you give me the complete address?”
I had no idea what the full address was off the top of my head, so I put the phone on speaker for Hana to relay the information.
“Can you tell me what happened tonight?”
“Home invasion during an omega heat,” I said. “We managed to fend off the guy who’d broken in, but he's hurt, and so am I.”
I stayed on the line with the operator and detailed the injuries as best I could—trying to keep my voice from breaking—until flashing lights appeared through the windows.
I fetched one of the blankets from the couch nest and wrapped it around myself, tossing one to Hana and Tony as well before I opened the door. The reality of the situation faded in and out as I answered their questions and they took Alphonse into custody. Paramedics arrived shortly after the police.
They had almost the entire altercation recorded by the operator, and they’d caught him trespassing with a weapon. With any luck, he’d be locked away for the rest of his fucking life. The pack was going to press charges, and the laws were extremely strict when it came to anyone endangering an omega in heat.
Hana had gone upstairs at one point to let the rest of the pack know. The haze was over, but everyone was exhausted, and no one was quite in the right state of mind to handle what had gone down. I answered the officer's questions while the group of us were cuddled on the couch nest. Jasper plastered himself to me.