Her breath came in quick little gasps. “Gabe?”
I loosened my grip. “I’m not looking forward to being separated from you. You belong with us.”
Begging her to stay was on the tip of my tongue, but I bit it back.
She wavered, gaze dropping, her fingers curling into my shirt.
“I’m not saying that to pressure you, but I thought it needed to be said. We’re going to miss you.”
She opened her mouth and closed it again without speaking, wrapping her arms around my chest and nuzzling my cheek. “I don’t like being awayat all. I just don’t want to make it harder for Jasper.” Nicky turned, whispering in my ear, “I’m going to miss all of you, too.”
I hugged her for the longest time before finally stepping away. “I should take you back and get home to Jasper. I shouldn’t have left, anyway.”
“Why did you?”
“A few weeks without you freaked me out. You and I haven’t had as much time together as I’d have liked, and I think part of me worried that we’d become distant while you’re away. I needed to top up on you to last me through that.” My answer made her smile even beyond the sadness that echoed in her eyes.
“If you’ll all have me back again after this, I promise I’ll be ready next time.” She kissed me softly. “A few weeks apart won’t change how I feel. I— The pack is so important to me.”
I pulled her in for another kiss, drinking in the soft sweetness of her before reality prodded at me again. “Come on, let's get back.”
We picked our way along the trails to return to the viewpoint and climbed onto my bike, starting the twisting journey home. She clung to me the whole way, and when I dropped her off, I spent far too long breathing her in and sucking another mark onto her skin while she squirmed in my arms.
Unease settled into my bones as I drove away.
All of the pack was home and waiting for me when I arrived. I sidestepped them all and went upstairs to shower. They all likely knew where I had been, but that didn’t mean I was going to bring Nicky's scent to Jasper's bed, not when I didn’t know if that would make things better or worse.
Tonight she was just for me.
“Hey,what'sup?”Ianswered Tony's call on the first ring when he called the next night. “Is everything okay?”
“Not really,” he said. “I don’t want to bother you, but I’m at the hospital with Billie, and I thought you would want to know.”
Panic roared through me like a freight train. “Oh my god! What happened?”
Tony sighed. “They tripped on the stairs. We’re pretty sure they have a concussion.”
“Oh, shit. What can I do? Can I come to the hospital?”
“We’d love to see you,” Tony said softly.
“Send me a pin. I’ll be right there.”
I still had a couple of hours until I needed to start work, and I’d be damned if I was going to let work get in the way of making sure that Billie was alright.
I messaged Miranda to let her know I might be late, and followed up immediately with a call to my boss.
“Hi Patricia, I’m sorry to bother you this late.”
“Not a worry. What's going on Nicky?”
“One of my partners is in the hospital. I’m heading over there now.”
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. Take the night. I’ll stay at the library until morning.”