“I need to go for a walk,” I said. “Will you two be okay?”
Jasper nodded and burrowed deeper into Hana's arms.
“Go,” she said. “We’ll be here when you get back.”
Can I come see you?
She followed her reply with her brother's address.
Instead of a walk, I ended up on my motorbike, zipping through the city and winding residential roads until I pulled to a stop in front of Sidney's house.
The door opened as I got off the bike, and Nicky wandered out in a pair of jeans and a fuzzy sweater, her hair down with the tips curling softly. Her eyes had a hint of redness like she’d been crying not long ago. That wouldn’t do.
I hadn’t planned anything on the way here, hadn’t decided if I wanted to kiss her senseless or beg her to come back with me.
I settled on kissing her, swinging my leg over the bike and meeting her approach. She stood up on her toes and locked her arms around my neck, letting me melt into her, devouring her until I was drunk off her taste. She still wanted us…wanted me. That soothed the deepest instincts, even if it was only a temporary fix. I couldn’t ask her to come back, and my brain, slowly being steeped in Jasper’s pre-heat hormones, wasn’t quite capable of thinking of anything else to say.
She let out anoof,and I realized I had backed her up against the garage. Without missing a beat, she lifted one leg, and I hooked my hand under her thigh, giving her a boost as she jumped the rest of the way. I braced us and sank into her touch.
A honk behind us had my heart leaping right into my throat.
“If you two are going to get freaky, make sure you do it indoors so you don’t get a public indecency charge,” Sidney said as he swept out of his car. His wife hopped out of the passenger side.
“Cool bike!” She grinned. “Are you going to take Nicky for a ride?”
I set Nicky back on her feet, enjoying her squirm of discomfort at being caught.
“If she wants to go,” I replied.
“Definitely better than staying here and getting gawked at,” she said teasingly.
I passed her the spare helmet, and the light flickered back into her eyes as she accepted it. She looked perfectly adorable with the massive black orb engulfing her head. “I’ll have her back before curfew.”
Sidney laughed as I climbed back onto the bike, and Nicky settled herself behind me.
We took off together. The snug hold of her arms and the whipping wind did a lot to recalibrate me. For the moment, things were the way they were supposed to be.
I drove until my fingers started to cramp and pulled to a stop at a viewpoint for the mountains.
Nicky hopped off, her eyes bright, energy high. “That was so fun!”
She looked so perfectly delicious and so wonderfully receptive as I parked the bike and stalked towards her. I revelled in the heave of her chest.
“Do you want to play, princess?”
Nicky nodded breathlessly. “Play how?”
I caught her chin. “Run. And, when I catch you, I’ll show you exactly how much I’m going to miss you while you’re away.”
She trembled in my grip and spun on her heel, taking off down the trail that led to the river. I gave her a few seconds headstart before setting off.
My alpha instincts were running on high, and though I couldn’t drag her back to the pack house, I could satisfy them this way.