“Yeah, I’m not surprised about that.”

I quirked my head, surveying his expression. “Why?”

“You hooked up with a polyamorous pack. They know how functional relationships work, and they know how to integrate new people into an existing framework. Presumably, they’re good at communicating, at least with each other, for things to be working as well as they are. You stepped into something with people who know how to make space and take care of each other. Be honest with yourself about how much you want to be a part of that.”

“I don’t know how I feel about you taking over the title of smartest one in the family.”

Sidney chuckled. “We all have our strengths. This just isn’t one of yours. You don’t have to tell me what you decide, but I’d love it if you would give it some thought so I don’t have to wake up to the sound of you sobbing.”

I frowned. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

He moved to flick me again, but I was able to dodge this time.

“I don’t care that you woke me up. I care that you’re hurting. You can inconvenience me as much as you want, and your well-being will always be the part that I care about.”

I tipped towards him and snuggled under the arm he lifted to hug me. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Nick. Do you want me to stay up with you?”

“No, I’ll be okay. And I’ll think about what you said.”

“Good.” He kissed my forehead and gave me a squeeze. “Sweet dreams when you get there.”

I sighed and flopped down over the couch as he retreated to his bedroom, feeling sorry for myself. Was Jasper okay? Were they all secretly mad at me for leaving?

I picked up my phone, my fingers itchy to text them, but I set it right back down again. The effects of the heat still freaked me out a bit, and there was no sense in reaching out and making this break harder.

Spud's interest in me renewed, and I fell asleep to him curled up and purring on my chest after staying up long enough to not completely fuck over my sleep schedule.

When I woke, I was tucked in bed, disorientation washing over me, alleviation arriving a moment later only to be replaced by an empty ache in my chest. I felt hollowed out. My craving for the pack burned deep.

Allie and Spud were on the couch when I emerged from my room.

“Good afternoon, sunshine,” Allie chirped.

I waved half-heartedly and dropped myself down next to her.

“You look a little rough,” she said.

“I feel it.” I gave Spud a scratch, starting his little engine.

“Do you wanna go get some ice cream?” Allie asked.

“Sure. Anything to make the time go by faster.”

I washed, dressed, and ate a piece of toast so it wasn’t straight sugar going into my stomach. Allie turned it into a shopping trip, but I was grateful that she seemed dedicated to distracting me. We got our ice cream and bought some new swimsuits that were on discount for the season, and I got a new pair of cozy boots. Laden with our purchases, we stopped for a meal at a pasta place, where I stuffed myself on spaghetti and meatballs until I could hardly move.

“Feeling a little better?”

“Much, thank you. I needed this.”

“We should have a girls night! I can call Meg and Luna. Do you want to invite anyone?”

My brain flipped instantly to the pack, but I stamped that down. “I could invite one of the girls from work.”

“Yes! Message your people, I’ll message mine, and we can go to this cute cocktail bar I’ve been dying to try.”

I had Miranda's number, but I hadn’t actually used it yet. It was mostly there to let her know if I happened to be running late. I messaged her anyway.