I moaned at the thought and flexed my hips. “No fair! You’re going to give me a case of blue clit talking like that.”
“Good.” Hana grinned down at me. “You’re cute when you’re frustrated. Now go to bed.”
I didn’t point out that I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep with every nerve singing. Instead, I nodded and waddled my way to her bathroom to wash up before climbing into her bed and sinking into the silks in the cloud of her scent that clung to the fabric.
Jasperrolledontopof me and smushed me into the mattress.
“Hey there.” He grinned and ran a line of kisses up my throat.
I sank into the sweet affection. “Hey there, yourself. Someone's affectionate today.”
“That's because it's surprise day,” Jasper said.
“What kind of things happen on surprise day?” I asked, tracing my fingers over his jawline.
“Hopefully, a very happy Nicky.” He looked so cute with his brown eyes all bright and eager.
I locked my limbs around him. “Well, this is a very good start.”
The door cracked open, and Gabe slipped inside, coming over the curl against my back. “I was going to steal a few extra minutes of sleep if you two weren’t awake yet.”
I wiggled, pulling the two of them tighter around me, sighing happily as their arms cocooned me. “Don’t let us being awake keep you from a nap.”
“Nah.” Gabe kissed my shoulder before kissing Jasper over me. “Now that you’re up it’s time for surprises. Are you hungry now, or do you want to wait until after?”
“If they’re quick surprises, then I can do those first, but the two of you are depleting my motivation for getting out of bed.”
Gabe laid his palm on my stomach and pressed me closer. “If the others weren’t waiting on us, then Jasper and I could do a few unspeakable things to you.”
I tipped my head back as he walked his fingertips up my body to lay his hand at my throat. Jasper picked up my wrist and kissed the scent gland there, teeth scraping over it until I was shivering between them.
Gabe’s phone beeped, and he sighed, his hand retreating to check the message. “Billie is getting impatient.”
Jasper snorted. “That’s their baseline state.”
“Come on,” I said. “You two can do unspeakable things to me later.”
I climbed out of bed dressed in my barely there shorty pajamas the pack had purchased for me. Jasper pulled on a pair of black boxers so we were both at least partially clothed, and we followed Gabe upstairs. He did a series of knocks.
Jasper hugged me, spinning me so I was facing away from the door.
“Ready?” Gabe asked me.
Jasper put his hands over my eyes, and the two of them walked me inside the room. I hadn’t actually been inside it, but I had gathered that it was some sort of playroom.
They pulled me to a stop, and I could hear Billie's excited squeal, their body slamming into mine. Jasper removed his hands, and I stared at the space for several moments. It wasn’t a playroom. It was…
A bedroom.
Stacks of bookshelves lined one wall, filled with a rainbow of spines and trinkets that I slowly recognized from my apartment, including the bowl I’d made with Billie, though it was shiny and glazed now. The bed was as big as all of the others in the house with more than enough space for the pack to share it. Rich plum curtains hung from the windows, and a storm grey cat tower sat in their gap. I didn’t notice Spud at first until his little head popped up.
“What? Is this…”