Quite a few things that were being carried up Nicky would have no need of, like her bed linens, but those could be set aside and maybe used at her brother's if she still wanted to stay there. I’d gotten her a pack-sized bed, just like the rest of us, and a fresh bedding set that was twirling around in the dryer right now.
Hana popped her head into Nicky’s new room. “Need any help?”
“Always. I bet she’d be a lot less weird about you and I putting her clothes away than the movers.”
Hana and I went about the task, filling the walk-in closet with Nicky's scant selection of clothing. As we worked, doubt crept in.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” I asked.
“If she doesn’t, I’m sure it would just be a knee-jerk reaction. You’ve made her a gorgeous space, and that's been what she's looking for, right?”
“I know.” I sighed. “But I still worry. I really want to keep her.”
“Well, I hardly think that giving her her own room is going to chase her away.”
I chewed my lip and gave in to the swell of emotion, tucking myself into Hana's arms.
“I like her a scary amount.”
Hana laughed softly. “You and me both. I wasn’t expecting it. I don’t thinkanyof the pack was, but here we are. You know if any of us thought this was a bad idea we would’ve said so.”
“Oh, I am painfully aware.” I chuckled and stood on my toes so I could huff her mint and matcha scent. “None of you are slow on correcting me when I overstep.”
“That's just because we love you,” Hana assured. “Now, how many hours have you been awake?”
I shrugged. “I dunno. Eighteen, nineteen, maybe?”
“Right. You need to get to bed.”
“But I’m helping.”
“You can help after sleep. I’ll get the others in here, and we’ll get it totally finished so you don’t have to worry about anything.”
I pouted and Hana nipped my bottom lip.
“I don’t suppose I could persuade you to come to bed with me?” I stood on my tippy-toes and teasingly licked at her collar bone.
“Even when you’re exhausted, your thirst knows no bounds.” Hana laughed even as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay. But just one orgasm. I’m not letting you weasel your way into staying awake for extra time.”
I grinned and jumped into her arms. “I accept your offering of a singular orgasm.”
Even though she rolled her eyes, Hana carted me off to her bedroom and dropped me back onto the mattress.
“If you brat to make this longer, I’m gonna send you to bed without anything. Got it? I have no qualms with putting you back on denial.”
“Frankly, I’m offended at this accusation that I wouldn’t behave.” I stuck my tongue out at her for good measure.
Hana huffed and tugged my leggings off, tossing them over her shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at me. “No underwear? Really?”
“Just trying to be prepared.”
I sat up and raised my arms expectantly. Hana stripped off my T-shirt and tossed it to join my pants, but left my lacy bralette in place.
“Lay back, hands behind your head, knees open. If you move from this position, then we stop.”
“Yes ma’am.” I stretched out, tucked my hands beneath my neck, and popped my ankles as far apart as they could get.