“Just checking in on your offer to let me stay with you,” I replied.

“You’re not staying with the pack?”

“I will if they’ll have me, but I was hoping I could maybe use your place for some chill time. I love hanging out with them, but they are not a quiet bunch.”

Sidney laughed. “Totally fair. You’re welcome whenever you want. I’ll get the guest bed and bath all set up for you, and I’ll leave you spare keys at the front desk of the clinic for you to pick up whenever you’re free.”

“Have I mentioned recently that you’re the best brother?”

“Don’t let Luca hear you say that.” I could practically hear the grin in his voice.

“Luca can be the bestbabybrother. Besides, it's not like I can stay with him when he still lives with mom.”

“Oh, he's looking at moving out. I talked to him about it yesterday.”

“Sweet. It's about time that kid got some independence. What the heck is Mom going to do with her empty nest?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Sidney replied. “He gave her plenty of extra time to get used to the idea.”

“I’m sure Mom would love me to stay with her,” I said. “If Alphonse didn’t already know where they lived, then I might consider it, though I don’t think Mom would be very good at giving me any peace either.”

“Nope. You are very correct about that. Do you wanna come over for dinner tonight? It can just be me, you, and Allie.”

“Sure, that sounds great.”

“Cool. I’ll text her and let her know, and I’ll scrap leaving the keys at the clinic. You can just grab them tonight, then. I get off at five, so you can come over anytime after that.”

“Will do. Love you.”

“Love you, too, Nick.”

Well, that was one step dealt with.

I detoured on the way to the pack house, stopping in atGo With The Dough.

Jasper was working in the back when I arrived. A blond man with a smudge of flour on his cheek greeted me.

“Welcome toGo With The Dough. What can I get for you?”

“An adorable red-headed omega?”

Jasper turned and caught sight of me, dropping his task and rushing up to the counter. “Nicky! What brings you to the bakery?”

He looked so cute in his hairnet. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, but Jasper pulled it off. I grinned and leaned up against the display case to accept his kiss. “Just running some errands, and decided I wanted to see you.”

The blond man laughed. “The famous Nicky? Jasper hasn’t shut up about you for weeks.”

My beautiful omega flushed pink. “Shut up, Yan.”

A woman joined us, and Jasper rolled his eyes. “Oh good, Rita's here, too.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “I personally think it's cute that you talk about me with your bakery staff.”

Rita's eyes gleamed. “We’ve been wondering when we’d finally get to see you.”

“Everything I’ve said is good, I swear,” said Jasper.

“I believe you.” I gave him a reassuring smile.