I smiled down at her. “That happens. I’ll give you another bath, and I’ll do a much nicer massage for you once you’ve eaten.”

Nicky sighed and nestled her face against the blankets draped over me. “I don’t think I can move.”

“Lucky for you, I planned ahead. Come sit yourself on my lap.”

Nicky moaned and groaned at the movement, but she did as I asked, sprawling her legs over me, tucking her forehead against the curve of my throat, and accepting the bottle of water I held out.

“Drink up. I grabbed a couple of tangerines to tide you over.”

We settled into the quiet intimacy. I peeled the tangerines for her and passed her segments that she ate in between sips of water. I had gotten used to caring for the pack after intensive playtime, though each of them tended to require different things. Nicky was obviously a cuddler, and that was something easy I could provide for her. Since it was our first play time, I would keep an eye on her for most of the day, doting on her and trying to keep her stress as low as possible.

We stayed in our little bubble of peace until her hunger overrode what the tangerines could assuage.

“I’m not sure who's home right now or if there's any meals in progress,” I said, “but I’ll see what I can rustle up for you.”

“Am I allowed to help yet?” Nicky asked.

“Getting there,” I promised. “But not today. Your orders are to rest. I’m sure you could convince the cats to give you a nice cuddle while I get us some breakfast.”

I carried Nicky upstairs like the limp noodle princess that she was, wrapped only in a blanket. Billie and Tony were snuggling in the couch nest, so I deposited Nicky between them.

Tony pulled me in for a kiss on my way to the kitchen. “You look well-rested,” he commented.

“I had a stimulating evening,” I replied.

“I’m glad.” His fingers cupped my cheek, sliding through my hair. “It looks like Nicky had a good time, too.”

Our beta snuggled into him sleepily.

Billie grinned up at me like the cat that caught the canary. “Welcome to Team Nicky.”

I snorted, but couldn’t quite keep the smile off my face. “Are you two hungry?”

“Nope, we ate already,” said Billie.

I left the three of them together and went to the kitchen. As I flipped bacon in the pan, I let myself sink into my feelings. A lot had happened that would normally have pushed me to the edge of my tolerance, but my own struggles with change were shoved aside to accommodate crisis mode. The initial height of the crisis had passed, leaving a lot of space for Nicky to settle into the gaps and giving me a distraction while feeding my deepest desires. She’d been so perfect coming apart for me. So trusting.

I set the bacon onto a plate with a paper towel and poured the scrambled eggs in next, stirring absently. Nicky brought a different dynamic to our lives. In a good way. She was soft and sweet, ready to melt, eager to please, and exquisite in a way I couldn’t quite describe. I didn’t know how things would go in the future. All I knew was that I didn’t want to give her back when this was all over.

Adding some toast and sliced apples to the plates along with the eggs and bacon, I returned to the couch nest to provide my new lover with sustenance.

Tony wiggled over to make space for me, and I settled next to Nicky so I could feed her bites while she half-watched the interior design show they had on the TV.

I had almost forgotten the simple pleasure of a partner who slipped into the adorable ‘take care of me’ mode after I had completely ruined them. The others of the pack were more resilient at this point, though I made sure they still got special attention. Nicky revelled in it. She was like a little baby bird as I fed her, and she didn’t protest one bit over all three of us snuggling up to her.

It was a break that we all needed with the stress of her asshole ex. Here she was safe. Here we could take care of her. And I was just grateful that she didn’t seem bothered by us wanting to do so.

After she finished eating, I fetched the massage table to fulfill my promise to her. She stretched out with a sigh.

“This isn’t going to hurt, is it?”

“Only a little. I won’t be digging deep on anything.”

I squirted some oil onto her skin and spread it around, taking my time to coat every inch of her that I could reach. She made the most delighted sounds as I gently stretched her and very lightly worked her muscles until she was limp and pliable.

“Me next?” Billie asked, watching us over the edge of the nest.

“How could I ever say no to you?”