“I didnot! That sounds dangerous.” And sexy.

The image of a hot, sweaty Hana obliterating her competition was really doing something for me.

“Oh it was,” said Hana. “But it did pay for school and all my groceries for a while.”

“I wish I could’ve seen it.”

“I’m pretty sure we have some terrible quality video of it somewhere. I could dig it out for you.”

The thought of watching Hana fight made me squirmy. “If it's not too much trouble.”

“Come here,” said Hana.

I scooted closer, swallowing hard as I settled myself next to her. She shuffled me around and dug her fingers into the muscles of my shoulders.

“Oh god,” I groaned.

Hana found every knot and then ruthlessly demanded its eviction while I wriggled and whimpered, breathing hard as she brought my rebellious body to heel. When she paused, I slumped and basked in the relief.

“How are your legs?” she asked.

“A little stiff, but not too bad,” I answered.

“I’ll stretch you out a bit once we get back inside.” She set a palm on my knee. “Do you mind if I check for knots here?”

“I’ve never noticed any in my thighs before. Go ahead.”

Permission was a mistake.

She found knots almost immediately, and I hit her in the face with one of my boobs when I jolted forward, hands plunging into the water to protect the tender spot.

Hana laughed. “Sorry, was that too hard?”

“Wee bit,” I said, panting, cheeks flushed with heat.

Gabe slid over to me. “Would you like a distraction while she tenderizes you?”

“Distraction sounds good.”

He slid right beneath me and settled me on his lap. “Just breathe. I’ll keep you from flailing.”

One of his arms locked around my waist, and his other palm laid over my throat, tilting me back to rest my head on his shoulder. I tensed when Hana put her hands back on me, but melted just as quickly as Gabe's thumb rubbed softly on my throat while he murmured soft praise in my ear.

Hana worked her way down my legs, and my squirming had Gabe's cock rising to attention, tapping at me as my lap kept it trapped. My skin felt like it was buzzing, and I kept my bottom lip snared between my teeth to stop any wayward moans.

It was the strangest mix of a satisfying, productive pain with a firm embrace, whispered praise, and a hint of promise. My hips rocked against him, and his hissing breath in my ear only made me hotter. Hana worked back up my legs, and my thighs parted of their own volition, letting Gabe's cock spring up between them.

Hana laid her hand over my stomach. “Nicky, do you want to tell me what's going on in that head right now?”

I sucked in a breath. “Nope, not really. There's nothing good going on in there.”

Gabe chuckled in my ear.

“Would you like me to tell you what's going on in mine?” Hana asked.

I perked my head up, Gabe's grip on my throat relinquishing. “Maybe…”

“I was thinking how proud I am of you.” She traced delicious patterns on my skin and then her fingers wrapped around my ankle. “I was also thinking that I wonder if you make all of those delightful sounds in bed, too, or only when I’m hurting you.”