“Instead of her making her cook for us, we could pick up some food from that Filipino place we both love. I bet Nicky would enjoy some tapsilog.”
“Oooh, you are so right. That gave me an instant craving.”
At quarter to seven, we placed the order. There was no black sedan waiting for her, a constant relief to all of us. Tony and I picked up the food and met Nicky at her place.
Spud ignored all of us in favour of his breakfast, but once he had inhaled his food, we were all gifted with some side rubs against our ankles. We ate at her little kitchen table, with barely enough room for our plates with the food occupying the rest of the space. I had never lived in a place like this except when I was in the college dorms, but most of the pack had come from similarly humble beginnings.
Once we were well fed and Spud was given enough attention that he slunk away to lay in his bed, we retired to Nicky's bedroom. I’d had full intentions of coaxing her beautiful scream out with my face between her thighs, but she had yawned about fifty times over breakfast, so, instead, the three of us curled up and slept our way into the afternoon.
It felt weird to say that waking up next to her never got old when it had only been about two weeks, but I thought about it every time. I buried my face in her hair and breathed in her soft scent of spices and old books.
The smell of the coffee pot finally drew me out of bed, with Nicky on my heels. Tony stood in the kitchen, shirtless, with his locs still wrapped in the blue silk scarf he’d brought with him, looking absolutely scrumptious. He’d lined up three cups next to Nicky's coffee machine that was percolating loudly.
“Oh,” said Nicky. “Let me even see if the milk is still good. I haven’t been home enough to get through my stuff before it expires.”
She pulled out the carton triumphantly, the date marked on it giving us another two days of grace until it was destined for a drain. It was all a far cry from our espresso machine and fridge full of flavoured creamers, but it was equally satisfying while we snuggled up on her couch and watched some terrible daytime TV.
“I don’t suppose we can lure you to stay with us after your shift tonight?” I asked.
“Tomorrow,” she promised. “I’m going to get far too spoiled staying with you. Besides, I’ve been neglecting a lot of chores. I want to get this place in order so I can stay with you for a few more days.”
Damn her sound logic.
I was a creature of indulgence, and even though I constantly tried to have more patience, it was an ongoing struggle. Still, I would let her have her space. Clinging to her like a barnacle and demanding she stay all the time wasn’t going to be good for the long-term well-being of our relationship. I wanted her to continue liking me.
“Would you like some help with your chores, Books? I have a pottery class this evening, but you can borrow me until then.”
“You don’t have to stay and help me with chores,” she said. “I kind of like to nerd out when I clean. Headphones, loud music, terrible dancing. It's all part of the zone I get into. It's nice to vibe by myself sometimes, at least now that I have an alternative.”
Tony laughed softly. “That sounds adorable. While I’m sorry to miss it, I’m glad you’re able to find a comfortable balance. It's not always easy in situations like ours. Takes a lot of work sometimes.”
We didn’t get to stay for the evening, but we did convince her to come get tacos with us at a place we saw down the street within walking distance on our way here. Once we were all sufficiently fuelled, we parted ways: Tony and I back to the pack house and Nicky back to her apartment.
“You’re doing better about this than I expected,” said Tony.
“Rude,” I said with a laugh.
“I’m serious. We don’t call you Hurricane Billie for no reason. I can see that you’re trying and I’m proud of you.”
My cheeks warmed and I murmured a ‘thank you.’ I ruined the moment by asking, “When's the asshole due back in the country?”
Tony shrugged. “Any day now, probably. Not like he handed over his itinerary.”
“I hope he asphyxiated on a hunk of mozzarella while he was over there.”
Tony snorted. “You’re not the only one wishing for his early demise.”
I grinned and nudged him playfully. “I enjoy when we’re both vicious over the same thing.”
“If you make one of mine cry then my moral compass takes a bit of a nap.”
Tony rolled his eyes, smiling anyway. “Come on, I've got more work to do.”