“You’ll be better off playing with Gabe and Tony if you want a firm hand. Neither of them have anything on me, and I don’t want to scare you.”

“But—” She snapped her pretty mouth shut.

“You seem like you’re brand new to most of this, but I’ve been watching you with the others, and I think you’d like it one day.”

Her scent overwhelmed the forest around us until that was all I was breathing. Her dark eyes gleamed, and she was back to chewing her bottom lip.

“Curiosity is not a good way to tempt me away from something.”

I stroked my thumb down her throat, indulging myself in the way her mouth parted. Maybe I wasn’t trying to tempt her away from anything. I was more curious than I'd been willing to admit. The craving to undo her, to watch her struggle to follow orders, was like a fire in my blood. I slid my hand up and cupped the back of her head.

Her gaze leapt between my lips and my eyes, and her fingers curled around the bench beneath her. I gave in a little, tipping close enough to inhale along her throat, revelling in the way that she shivered.

It was very possible that a few choice words and touches would have her melt enough that she would let me bend her over the viewing platform and let her serenade potential interrupters with the sound of her pleasure. I swallowed hard against my imaginings. Just because she might doesn’t mean I should test that theory, delicious as it was.

I pulled back and smoothed her hair. “Are you ready to start back?”

“Yeah, sounds great.” Her voice cracked again.




So utterly, ridiculously doomed.

Every inch of my body was singing, and it took all of my willpower to not turn my head and kiss her. She smelled so good. Bright mint and earthy green tea that woke up all of my senses. I’d thought I was going to combust when she carried me piggyback, but apparently the true risk of combustion was her hand in my hair and her face at my throat.

I wasnotequipped to deal with this.

I stumbled after her down the hill. Heading down I had momentum on my side so it wasn’t such a slog. My muscles still protested, but they were easier to keep quiet this time. I was going to need alongsoak to recover.

Hana let me cling to her as we worked our way down the steepest portions. My brain had fritzed when she picked me up, and part of me really wanted it to happen again. What was it about being hefted around like a princess that did it for me? None of my beta partners had ever bothered to try it.

I was determined to make her proud on the trip down. I had new blisters forming by the time I skidded to a stop at the bottom of yet another hill. If I mentioned them, would she sit me down and tend to me as if I was some priceless treasure again?

Her words circled in my head for the entire walk. Images flickered through my brain. I had never used restraints, but I had seen them on occasion, and it was all too easy to apply those concepts to myself. The thrill that zipped through me when one of the alphas held me by the hair or with a palm draped over my throat seemed small in comparison to the torrent of desire that roared through me at the idea of being trussed up at their mercy.

I shivered. My thighs squeezed together, the light pressure against my clit doing absolutely nothing to calm the tempest that pounded in my chest.

I had already had a few carnal revelations in regards to this pack. Maybe I was due for another.

We reached the bottom of the final hill where the trail levelled out, snaking its way through the trees until its eventual end of the parking lot. Hana sat me down on the bench there in the shade. She dropped down to a squat to bring herself level to me.

“How are you feeling? Anything else I need to tend to before we head home?”

My heart tripped at the use of home. Silly, really, considering itwasher home. How long would it take before my brain associated the pack house with that word, forgetting the little apartment that had housed me the last three years?

“Nothing major,” I replied.

Hana gripped a firm handful of my calf, and I hissed as she dug into the muscle. “We’ll get you into the hot tub. It’ll help.”

“Are you going to join me?”

Her amber brown eyes flashed. “If you’d like.”

I nodded.