“You bet.” I fussed with my hair one more time and finally stepped away from the mirror. We were leaving a bit early to pick up Nicky's car from the library. We’d go together to her parents, and then, I would chill out with her at work along with Tony and Billie before I had to go to the bakery. I picked up the small tote bag I had packed with much more comfortable clothes for work tucked safely inside.

Nicky watched as I added a little dollop of the lemon glaze to the centre of each cookie. I gave her the task of adding a round silver sprinkle to top it off. Her tongue stuck out the side as she concentrated.

I hauled out one of my transport boxes and laid the cookies in neat layers to take over to her family.

My phone buzzed, and I perused the readout, seeing an email from the bakery's online order form. I popped it open just to check.


Hello! I’m so sorry to be emailing you with so little notice. I was supposed to put in this order last week and I forgot and I’m so worried I’m going to get fired over it. If it's AT ALL possible, I need 200 scones and cinnamon rolls (half of each) for a 5:30am pick up.

I’ll pay double for the inconvenience.

-A hopeful client, Alex

Aw, fuck.

“Hey, Nicky.”

Her head perked up. “Yeah?”

“Would you hate me forever if I had to bail on tonight?”

She looked a little crestfallen at the question. “Is something wrong?”

“I got a very urgent request for the bakery, and normally I wouldn’t entertain something last minute like this, but it sounds like the person might lose their job if I don’t do it. We have another massive order for this morning and I’ll never manage it all without going in early.”

“Oh. Of course. Bakery comes before a brand new friend's family dinner. You do whatever you have to do.”

“You are a gem.” I cupped her cheeks and kissed her thoroughly. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“I accept bribes in the form of focaccia.” She grinned up at me.

“You got it, sweetheart.”

I handed her the cookie box and went to the garage to climb in my car with only a few grumbles. I didn’t want to skip out on Nicky, but I also didn’t want someone losing their job because of an administrative fuck up. I knew what that fear of god felt like. I replied back to the email as I was sitting in the driver seat, and then pulled out, taking a short trip to the bakery.



Ifussedwiththecookie box, suddenly thrown off balance with the change of plans during today’s already ridiculous roller coaster of emotions. Despite the hangover and awkward phone call, waking up with Jasper had been like a dream. A cozy, sexy dream full of cuddles, kisses, and sweet stories that made me like him even more. I’d gotten all mentally prepared for Jasper to meet my family, and now that was yanked out from under me. Mom was going to question why I was showing up alone and I didn’t have the energy for that today.

“Damn it smells good up here.” I turned to see Gabe coming up the stairs from the basement. He was in workout clothes, and his skin gleamed with a thin sheen of sweat. “Where's Jasper? Aren’t you two supposed to be leaving now?”

“He had to make an emergency trip to the bakery, so I’m going to dinner by myself.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Yeah. I was kind of looking forward to having some back up tonight. Take some of the attention off me, you know.”

Gabe wandered into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. “I’m free if you’d still like the company. I’m very good back up.”

A ripple of warmth slid through my body at the suggestion. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely. You want me there, I’m there. Plus, free food.”

Billie came trotting down the stairs. “What's happening now? Where's Jaspy?”