“Nicola,” Mom huffed. “That's so rude. Why wouldn’t I talk to him? I’m just being polite.”
“Listen, I don’t wanna get into it right now. Just please don’t give him any more of my information, okay? What did you call about?”
“I wanted to know if you would bring dessert tonight. Your father is making chicken parmigiana, so choose something that fits well. Is your bed partner joining us?”
I sighed and flopped onto my pillow, looking to Jasper for answers. He briefly held up a thumbs-up and curled back under the blankets.
“Yeah, I can bring him.”
“Excellent!” Mom's voice had brightened considerably. “I can’t wait.”
“Yeah, me neither. I’m gonna go back to sleep now though. I’ll see you tonight.”
I hung up without giving her a chance to reply and chucked my phone to the foot of the bed.
Jasper flipped the blanket over my head, bathing us in darkness and warmth. “Where are we going tonight?” he asked.
“Family Sunday dinner,” I replied with a groan. “Hosted most weeks unless my parents go to Palm Springs or someone is sick.”
Jasper laughed quietly. “My parents love Palm Springs. I’m pretty sure they live there more than they do at home.” He kissed my cheek again. “Good morning.”
I hummed happily and burrowed into his arms in the dark. “Good morning.”
Jasper's purr kicked on and he stroked my hair while we dozed. “We should probably drink that water Hana left.”
I couldn’t stop the giggle.
“It's just cute, is all. The silent caretaker.” I weaselled out from under the blankets and grabbed both bottles, passing one to Jasper and tapping four pills out of the pain reliever container, two for each of us. I swallowed everything back and leaned comfortably against the headboard.
Jasper kissed his way up my throat until I was squirming.
“I bet if we go downstairs there will be fresh scones,” he told me.
“How would there be fresh scones? Did you get up in the middle of the night to make them?”
“No, but usually after we go clubbing one of the alphas will peel themselves out of bed and pick up some tasty carbs for us.”
I slid back down to lay flat and pulled the blankets up to my chin, rolling towards him and pressing my forehead against his chest. “I don’t know if scones are enough to coax me out of this bed.”
“No one is going tomake usget up. We could stay in here until it's time to leave for your dinner.”
I let out a pathetic moan. “No, thank you. I love my family, but I need to be solidly awake with time to mentally prepare if I’m bringing someone over.”
“Entirely fair. We could bring Billie for reinforcements.”
I kicked my feet like a petulant child. “I don’t know if I want to see the look in my mother's eyes when she finds out there's more than one lover.”
Jasper laughed so hard my head ached, and I tucked it firmly underneath the blankets. “You know what, that's fair. Not everyone is down with packs. My family was pretty chill about it, but I think that's because I’m an omega. I know the alpha's families can be a little touchy about the subject, and Billie's are a whole other ball of wax.”
“Most of my family will be fine with it. My brothers might look at me funny, but that's just because I’m their sister. And I don’t think Mom will disapprove necessarily, it's just not a discussion I really wanna have with her.”
“Tell me more about your family? I feel like I should know a tiny bit more about you besides the fact that you are the sexiest librarian on the planet.”
I giggled and took a big whiff of his chocolate and cinnamon scent to relax myself. “Okay, well I’m the oldest, and I have two younger brothers. Sidney just turned thirty and got married a couple months ago to his bondmate, Allie. He's the only alpha in our family and works as a nurse. My youngest brother is Luca. He's twenty-six, single so far as any of us know, and he's been floundering a bit, bouncing around jobs trying to find something he's passionate about. Um, my parents have been married for thirty-five years, both betas. What else did you want to know?”
“What made you decide to become a librarian?” Jasper rolled me over and laid his head on my chest. I laced my fingers through his hair, absently stroking as I answered his question.