He pulled me back to the edge of the counter and resumed his pace, this time letting his thumb finish me off. I screamed into the dark house and bowed up, taking everything he gave me.
When I finally settled, he slid his cock out of me, and he gave himself a few additional strokes, curses dancing on his lips as he came, white ropes of his pleasure splattering my clubwear.
I shuddered. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Tony looked down at me fondly as I laid there basking. “I saw Nicky and Jasper sneak upstairs. Where are things at with them?”
“They fucked in the limo on the way home.” I grinned. “I’d say that I wish you could have seen, but I get to be in charge without alphas around and it’s fuckinghot.”
Tony laughed and swatted my ass before helping me stand. “I’ll have to imagine it until it happens in my presence.”
“I doubt that’ll take very long. Nicky’s taking to everything like a duck to water.” I squeezed my thighs together, shivering at the lingering sensations.
“How are you feeling about that?” Tony asked as he peeled my romper off of me, letting it drop to the floor.
“Blissed!” I stood on my toes to kiss him. “I knew I had excellent taste, but I am fuckinglovingeveryone else agreeing with me. Plus, I have averygood time watching her come undone.”
“I have to say I’m quite a fan of that myself.” He dipped down and nipped my shoulder. “Get to bed you little slut.”
I winked at him and grabbed a handful of his shirt, yanking him down so I could kiss him fiercely, slap his ass, and take off at a run. I cackled happily hearing his footsteps thunder after me.
Tonight was the best fucking night.
Iwoketoanaching head and Jasper plastered to my side. Two bottles of water and a container of pain relievers sat on his bedside table. I groaned quietly so as not to wake him, laying a hand over my forehead. I hadn’t hadthatmuch to drink, but apparently even a small-ish amount in my thirties was prepared to kill me.
It took another couple moments to realize what had woken me. My phone buzzed away next to the water bottles and I rolled over gingerly to grab it.
Momflashed on the screen.
God. No.
I answered anyway.
“Hi Mom.”
“Nicola! This is the second time I’ve phoned you. Why are you taking so long to answer?”
“You know, there's this new invention called sleep,” I muttered.
Mom hadn’t quite gotten the hang of my night schedule yet.
She scoffed and started chattering away, my head throbbing. Jasper woke in all of the chaos and stretched, looking at me with squinty eyes.
“What's happening?” he asked. “Who are you talking to? Why are we awake?”
Mom gasped. “Nicola! Is that aman? Are you sleeping with someone?”
I laid a fist against my forehead as if that would temper the throb from her volume. “Mom, can you freak out a tiny bit quieter?”
“Who is it? Are you and Alphonse back together?”
The inquiry was like a bucket of cold water dumped on my head. Jasper cuddled up to my side and kissed my cheek, removing my sour expression.
I took a deep breath and steeled myself. “No, Mom. We’re not back together. And I’d appreciate it if you never talk to him again.”