“Who's going to feel my wrath?” Billie asked, popping up behind me and weaselling themselves onto my lap, straddling me to take up my full attention.
“Councillor Harvey is gunning for Nicky's job.”
“What the fuck?” Billie snapped. “Why does she hate Nicky?”
“Not her specifically, but, if she gets her way, all of the evening and night jobs will be gone.”
“What a cunt.” Billie huffed. “I have time and money, I should run for councillor, or mayor.”
I laughed and stroked a hand down their back. “I thought of doing the same. I’m just hoping one of the others has some counter measures prepared.”
“Fingers crossed.” Billie held up both hands with the first two fingers on each crossed over the other.
“I just got him relaxed,” Jasper lamented. “We need happier topics right now.”
“I was going to talk to the facility manager about renting some space for classes,” said Hana. “That café is going to get so much business if they accept me.”
“That means you can sneaky meet Nicky!” Billie prodded Hana's shoulder.
“Such an impatient little beta,” Hana tutted.
“That should be a surprise to no one.”
“It's not,” said Hana, “but I do still think some patience is in order.”
Billie's subtle spicy scent filled my nose and I laid my palm over their thigh, squeezing gently. “I might be in agreement with Hana here.” I nuzzled Billie's cheek.
“I think our beta could do with some abstention to teach them some patience,” said Hana.
Billie whined in my grip. “That's not fair. I have a date in the morning.”
I nipped their shoulder. “And no one is saying you can’t take care of your date.”
Billie squirmed, and my cock rose to attention under the movement.
Hana turned our chair and slid her hand into Billie's hair, pulling them slowly backwards with a fistful until Billie's head rested in Hana's lap. “What do you think, little beta?”
It was impossible for me to miss the flexing of Billie’s hips in my lap.
“Do you want to give us control over this?” I asked, setting my fingers between their thighs and pressing firmly until they let out a whimper.
“Answer the question,” Hana prompted. “Unless you think you can’t handle it.”
Jasper watched us with rapt attention, his chocolate and cinnamon scent almost overwhelming as his desire made itself known.
“I can handle it,” Billie said quietly.
“Of course you can,” Hana murmured, tracing a pattern down Billie's chest until her hand covered mine. “You’re a perfect little beta, andthisbelongs tous.”
Between Billie's shuddering breath, the heat of their cunt beneath my fingers, and the intoxicating scent of Jasper's arousal, it was a wonder I didn’t spread Billie out on the counter and order Jasper to fuck them while I fucked him.
Hana's palm on the back of my neck made me jolt.
“We all know I’m not opposed to an orgy in the kitchen, but if we’re going to do that we should let Gabe know too.”
I still had a colossal amount of work to get done, and that only made me hate Councillor Harvey even more. The woman wasn’t even here, yet she was making me cock block myself with my sense of responsibility.
“I’ll have to join you for another one later, unfortunately.”