The thought of it set a rush of excitement through my body, and my pussy spasmed around him, the wand carrying me away once again.

“Fuck.” Tony gasped. “I can’t wait to knot you. You’re going to ruin me when the day comes.”

“Yes, alpha.”

Tony growled, goosebumps raising freshly on my skin at the sound.

He let my hair go, and I collapsed, panting back down to the ramp. Tony kept right on fucking me, forcing me through another pair of orgasms before finally sliding free. Gabe replaced him a moment later, but instead of a cock sliding into me it was three thick fingers that curled perfectly inside me, and had me thrashing against the swell of sensation.

The spreader bar clicked again, holding me a little bit wider.

It was all wonderfully, perfectly,achinglytoo much.

I couldn’t catch my breath.

Every cell in my body hummed an overwhelming melody.

Gabe removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock, sliding as deep as my body would allow. He pinned me down further by the back of my neck, and I cried out, cock and wand breaking me one more time.

I’d stopped keeping track of how many times I had come. It was too hard to think. Gabe leaned over me, the warmth of his body trapping me even more.

“Fuck, princess. I feel like this pussy gets better every time you let me in.”

I was bordering on hyperventilating beneath him. Dizziness swept over me, and I was a few seconds away from tapping out.

“Breathe for me,” he ordered, slowing his thrusts. “Breathe with the pace.”

I struggled to obey, inhaling as he drove deep and exhaling as he pulled free. The dizziness abated in increments, and I held my breath as I came again, Gabe nestling somehow deeper until his hips touched mine.

“Good girl.” He growled in my ear. “One more, then you can have a break.”

I shuddered and squirmed, throat dry from panting and pussy impossibly wet as he fucked me over the edge one more time. I screamed myself hoarse and buried my face against the ramp, babbling incoherently.

“Wand off?” Gabe asked. I nodded frantically, my nerves shot.

The buzzing disappeared almost instantly and all the tension melted out of my body at once. I glanced up at the mirror to see Hana behind us.

Gabe nuzzled my cheek. “Colour?”

“Yellow? But don’t move.”

Hana inched around and kneeled by my head, gentle hand stroking my hair. “Are you up to some wax play to wind down?”

My brain flashbacked to when Tony had used the wax on me in my apartment. “Yes, please.”

Hana disappeared into the playroom and returned with a plastic box of paraffin candles in a rainbow of colours as well as a small ramp. She lined the candles up on the floor and got a half dozen of them burning.

“Why so many?” I asked.

“Just to speed things along. We can use a little bit from all of them. Plus, more colours are fun.”

Billie called for a break to see what we were up to.

The first droplets of hot wax hitting my skin anchored me, easing me down from the bright, vibrant high of being fucked six ways to Sunday by my pack.

“Colour?” Hana asked.
