“Barely. How are you feeling?”
“A little better. Not enough to get my world rocked, but less nauseated.”
I kissed their cheek. “Good.”
“Make sure you’re taking care of your basic body needs. Our stuff doesn’t slow down like the alphas and omegas.”
I blinked at them, not quite comprehending.
“Get some water and food, use the bathroom, and then come back here for another nap,” they clarified.
I glanced over at the others who were currently engaged in a fourway. My pussy wanted to be a part of that, but absolutely nothing else had the energy to engage. I shuffled out of the nest and completed my tasks, returning with a bottle of water and a protein bar. Cuddling up next to Billie, I consumed them both slowly, my eyelids feeling like they weighed a million pounds.
“Enjoying the show, Books?” Billie asked.
“Hard not to.” I nibbled my snack while we watched Jasper get tag-teamed. “Wish I was that sturdy.”
“I consider us all lucky that I’mnotthat sturdy,” said Billie. “If I could get dicked down all day with no consequences or limitations, no one would ever get anything done.”
I burst out laughing, only briefly drawing the attention of the alphas. “That is very true.”
“I’d make sure that you get at least five of these into you,” Billie said, tapping my water bottle.
“I’m going to have to. I feel like a raisin, and I would definitely enjoy being a grape again.”
Billie giggled. “On your next journey out, bring back as much as you can carry. Just because everyone else can go at it like jackrabbits for days doesn’t mean it's actually good for them. I usually try to shove a few meals into them during the haze. Which is not an easy task, let me tell you. They would all shrivel to beefcake jerky if not for me.”
“I will take up the task until you’re feeling better.”
“I’m super bummed that I’m laid up for this heat. I was going to have you and I DP Jasper with strap-ons.”
I choked at the thought. “That'spossible?”
“Yep,” Billie chirped. “Omegas are very stretchy during their heats. Next time, I guess.”
We lapsed into silence. When I had finished eating, I stumbled out of the nest to collect more supplies. I handed things to the alphas in between their turns and managed to steal Jasper to pour half a bottle of water down his throat. My energy didn’t last long, and I collapsed against Billie once more, the two of us curling up for a nap.
I fell asleep to the sounds of pleasure and the scent of chocolate and cinnamon infusing every breath.
Gabeheldmebythe throat, a firm hand tangled in my hair as I panted and keened, desperate for his touch. I groaned pitifully. If he kept me on the edge much longer, I was liable to force him down, climb on his cock, and force a knot. Not that I was strong enough to do that, but the idea played in my head on repeat.
“Please. God, please. I need to come before I lose it.”
Gabe pulled me closer and chuckled in my ear. “Since you asked so nicely.”
His hips jackhammered into me, every thrust stroking him as hard and deep as my body could take. The slap of skin on skin echoed within the confines of the nest.
Tony appeared from my peripheral vision and settled himself comfortably in front of me on his knees, his hand closing on the back of my neck so that the two of them created a collar with their fingers. His other fist wrapped around my cock and gave a firm tug that stole my breath as Gabe's hips snapped forward, burying himself deep. Both alphas shifted their hands at the same time and sank their teeth into my throat, one on each side. I came with a scream that had Nicky's doe eyes widening.
Gabe's knot swelled inside of me. The exquisite stretch and burn of him demanding space in my body set me off as surely as the rhythm Tony had set on my cock.
My vision blacked out.
Twinned sets of teeth sank into both of my wrists, laying claiming bites on my scent glands that kicked me over the finish line again, pleasure so sharp I couldn’t even draw the breath to scream this time.