I would give him a week. If he didn’t talk to her by then, I would have to intervene for all of our sakes.



SpudwanderedaroundSidneyand Allie's place, checking out his new temporary digs. The place was so quiet. Honestly, maybe a littletooquiet. It was like my ears kept listening for sounds of a pack, and when it came up with nothing, the silence screamed at me.

I turned on their TV for background noise and climbed into bed.

Spud hopped up next to me.

“Hey baby, do you miss Roscoe?” Spud chirped, and even though I knew he couldn’t understand the question, it still sounded like an affirmation that made me feel guilty. “You’ll get to see him soon. We’re just here for a couple of days.”

Tomorrow I would have to forsake some sleep. I had movers booked to take my furniture out of my apartment and into my parents garage so that I could sell it, or keep it if I changed my mind on not getting my own apartment. That was pretty unlikely though. Even these few hours all alone in a home was a stark reminder of how little I had going on before I’d gotten involved with the pack. I didn’t want to force activities for the sake of taking up time to fill those spaces, either. I wanted to find things I enjoyed in my own time when I was settled again.

I loved my alone time, but the oppressive silence of today was grating.

I lay back and huffed out a breath. Apparently, I couldn’t be pleased.

At least no one minded me taking my space, which was good, but my fingers itched to pick up the phone and message the pack.

I restrained myself.

It was silly to get into a tizzy on my first night away from them. I couldn’t spend every night with them for the rest of forever, no matter how tempting that seemed. I had gotten too used to people, and I would just have to adjust again.

I woke to the front door opening and froze, panic shooting through my body until I heard Allie call out.

“Nicky, I’m home!”

I relaxed instantly and shuffled out of bed still in my pajamas to greet her.

“Hey girly. How was work?”

“Mostly good,” she replied. “A little weird. One of our very cute coworkers asked Luna out, and she turned him down. I joked that she had to have a secret partner to not be interested, and she got very cagey about it. Now I feel like she actually does have someone she’s hiding. Besties are supposed to tell each other everything.”

“Why won’t she tell you about it?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Allie shrugged out of her blazer and tossed it over a chair. “I’m sure she’ll tell me something eventually. I’m just not particularly patient when it comes to gossip.”

“I’m sorry I don’t have anything to tide you over in the meantime.”

“Oh! You sort of do. I was going to ask you about the omega in your pack. What's happening with his heat?”

“I have no idea, why?”

“Well, unless he's on long-term suppressants and suddenly decided to stop liking you, I assumed you were going to be a part of it at some point. Granted, I don’t know a ton about pack dynamics, but I also kind of assumed that they were all involved in stuff like that.”

I fidgeted, suddenly awkward. “I’ve never asked. Isn’t that something he would want to share with his established pack?”

Allie shrugged. “I shared a bunch of mine with Heat Helpers. Every omega is different in what they want. Might be good to think about, though. You don’t want to be a deer in the headlights when it comes up.”

“But I’m a beta. What would I evendofor his heat?”

Allie sighed deeply and patted my shoulder. “Be there for him? Help the others? Rail him senseless with a strap on?”

I choked at that last response.

“You don’t think your presence would be a comfort?” Allie asked. “Plus, think of all the play time. The work is being shared, and an omega only has so many holes, so there's going to be free pack members at any given time.”