“So what do we do?” asked Tony.
“I think we should focus mostly on getting her settled,” I replied.
Before she’d gone to sleep that morning, I had helped her craft messages to her family and her job so that they were kept in the loop. Her boss had given her the night off, with the evening librarian and one of the day librarians each taking half of her shift.
“We should take her to pick up some clothes in case the forensics team is slow,” I said. “We already know that she feels safe here so we just need to make it feel like home. Wherever she ends up staying, I want her to be stocked up on whatever she needs.”
The others nodded.
“Okay,” said Hana. “If she's up for a shopping trip, I’ll take her out, and if not, I’ll grab her measurements and pick up some things myself.”
I smiled knowingly at her. Alphonse might be good for nothing, but he had tripped the protective side of Hana, and that had tossed her over one of her final hurdles. By the time the danger had passed, she would like Nicky on her own terms.
Alphonse was a braver man than I was. A pissed off Hana is not something I would ever have the courage to face down if she wanted my blood. Luckily, I have never been on the receiving end of her ire.
“I bet she would like it if we picked up some stuff for Spud.” I said. “His own cat bed, his favourite treats. We can make it feel like home for her baby, too.”
“Jasper, you’re a genius,” Billie said with a laugh.“You can never go wrong spoiling a girl's cat.”
Tony snorted. “Pretty sure that's true for both kinds.”
Billie collapsed into giggles.
I checked the time on my phone. “We’ll have to get her up soon to make it to the stores before they close.”
“I can look up some that are open until nine if we want to let her sleep,” offered Gabe.
“Let me go test the waters,” I said. “I’ll see if she's feeling up to it or if we need to wait a bit.”
I left the pack and skipped lightly down the stairs until I hit the main floor where Nicky was curled up and Roscoe had overtaken the spot I had vacated. I dropped down to my knees in front of her and traced my fingertips over her cheek.
“Nicky,” I whispered.
She stirred, but she didn’t open her eyes.
“Nicky, it's time for breakfast,” I whispered again, getting a little bit touchier, and threading my fingers into her hair.
She jolted with a squeak, instantly relaxing when she recognized it was me. “Hey,” she murmured.
“How are you feeling?”
“Gross. Exhausted.” She sighed and stroked Spud's fur.
“Don’t forget Roscoe. He’ll feel left out if he doesn’t get attention too.” I gestured behind her, and she rolled over to pet him and kiss the top of his head.
“Where is everyone?” Nicky asked.
“Just upstairs. We wanted to know if you were feeling up to a quick shopping trip to get you some outfits for the next few days while forensics works through your apartment.”
She made a pitiful groan. “No, but I guess I need clothes.”
“Hana offered to pick some things out for you if you don’t want to go. You’re totally welcome to stay here with the rest of us.”
Nicky sat up and scratched her head, trying in vain to smooth down her sleep tangles. “I can’t let her do that. I’ll get up.”
She moved slowly but did indeed get herself up. We had put some toiletries into the main floor bathroom for her, and I hung around nearby in case she needed anything. She looked far too cute in her borrowed pajamas.
“You sit with the cats, and I’ll let the rest of the pack know that we’re ready while you change.” I opened up the blackout blinds to let some light in and scampered back up the stairs, returning with the rest of the pack at my heels.