“Hana Tanaka. I’m a friend of Nicky's.”

The officer nodded. “I’m Officer Lansbury. We got a call about a break and enter from a Mrs. Alexandra Poppadakis.”

“She's my neighbour,” I said. “You passed her apartment on the way in.”

“Does it look like anything has been stolen?” Officer Lansbury asked.

“I haven’t checked. My cat is missing. That's the only thing I care about.”

Officer Lansbury nodded again. “Do you have any idea who might’ve done this?”

I swallowed hard. “Alphonse Morelli. We saw him in the parking lot before we came up. This isn’t the first time he's stepped over the line, either.”

“Have you reported him in the past?”

I shook my head.

Officer Lansbury frowned. “That makes things more difficult for us. Anytime something happens you need to report it so that there's a record. Since you’ve given us a specific name and alleged that the burglar was seen on the premises, I’ll call in for the forensics unit to do a sweep. Please don’t touch anything further.”

Hana held me protectively.

“What if he hurt Spud?” I asked.

“Her cat,” Hana explained. “He's shown animosity about the animal in the past.”

Officer Lansbury added that to her notes. “We’ll keep an eye out. You can wait here. I’m going to talk to your neighbour for a moment.”

Officer Lansbury went next door, and I could hear her talking with Mrs. Poppadakis. Then I heard the sweetest sound in all of existence. The screaming meow of Spud asking for his breakfast. I lunged out of my apartment and rounded the short gap between our doors to see my wonderful neighbour with my baby in her arms.

Mrs. Poppadakis took one look at me and ushered me inside. “Oh, honey.” She enfolded me in her arms with Spud between us. That got my crying going again.

“I’ll make a note that the animal is safe,” said Officer Lansbury.

“I heard the commotion and found your little man all puffed up in the hallway. Scooped him right up, deadbolted my door behind us, and called the police.”

“Thank you, thank you,” I blubbered all over her.

“Of course, dear. I’m sorry I didn’t get a look at who it was.”

“I know exactly who it was.” I hiccupped again. Suddenly the marks on his face I had seen made sense. Cat scratches. “Officer Lansbury, if you can catch Alphonse—”

“I’m sorry, did you say Alphonse?” Mrs. Poppadakis asked.

“Um, yes? Why?”

Mrs. Poppadakis stared at me like she’d never truly seen me before. “Alphonse Morelli?”

My breath came short. I nodded.

“Oh…that boy! Dear, that's myson.”


Hana and Officer Lansbury looked back and forth between us.

“I think maybe this requires some explanation,” said Officer Lansbury. “Do you have time to speak with us, Mrs. Poppadakis? Ms. Marino has alleged that your son broke into her apartment.”

“Yes, yes, of course. Oh, heavens. Please, come in.”