Page 89 of Ignite

I sucked on my lips. Amanda would careverymuch. “Congratulations, Rosie. We’re very happy for you.” I managed a genuine smile.

I nudged Tom in the ribs.

“Yeah,” he muttered. “Congrats.”

He then stalked off. Rosie glared after him.

“Excuse me, I’m going to get some food,” Rosie said before she walked off in the same direction as Tom.

“Where is your mother? Ryan? Mr Cec?” Mama Zanetti cast her eye around the room.

“Grandad Cec is here. Probably getting more food from the buffet. But Mum and Ryan are sick and Charlotte is with her mum. Tom and I avoided it as he’s moved into the shearer’s quarters and I only left my room this last week to bleach every surface.”

A deep voice called over the conversation.


* * *


Stacey looked incredible in a simple black dress with a hint of cleavage and a sash that tied at her hip. Her hair fell over one shoulder and the only jewellery she wore were metal earrings shaped like peacock feathers.

She also looked so lost and sad. I wanted to hold her and not let go. Shield her from her grief.

Stacey raised an eyebrow but was neither frowning or smiling. Her gaze levelled me. Despite battling my own demons during the service of my best friend’s funeral, my body still burned after having been pressed up against her. I adjusted my tie and cleared my throat.

“Can I get you anything? Hungry?”

She shook her head and I became aware of an older woman standing near Stacey who was staring intently. She’d mentioned their family name—something Italian?—before the service but I’d been accosted by so many people since that I’d forgotten already.

“Harry, this is Mama Zanetti. Dr Harry Cain is the new locum for Doc Larcombe.”

Zanetti. Ballydoon neighbour. Winery. Got it.

Mama Zanetti narrowed her eyes. “You are young for doctor.”

“Younger ones are graduating every year,” I quipped. Stacey’s lips twitched.

I extended my hand to Mama Zanetti and she took it in both of hers, stroking my wrist.

“You are good looking boy. Are you single? I have daughters. Beautiful, smart.”

Stacey stifled a laugh behind her hand.

I attempted to find an answer for Mrs Zanetti. “I … ahh.”

“You either are single or you are not,” Mama Zanetti stated. I extracted my hand and moved beside Stacey.

“Well …”

“He is, Mama Zanetti. Very single.”

But I’m not available,I thought immediately.

Mama Zanetti clapped her hands together. “This is good. Young doctor, good looking. I introduce my daughters. You will like them. Are you going to welcome party for Amanda?”

I caught Stacey’s eye. “I don’t believe—”