Page 69 of Ignite

“I’m sorry. For everything,” he said in a gravelly voice.

I faced him as he continued. “I’ll do better. I promise. I’ve been … distracted. And that’s no excuse and I didn’t mean to suggest at all that it was your fault. Again, I’m sorry.”

His expression and tone were so sincere.

“Apology accepted,” I relented.

We got into a rhythm with me deciphering Harry’s patient notes written on sticky notes while Harry saved them on the computer. I even teased him for his lack of handwriting skills.

“What even is this word? I get it starts with an E but the rest is a mystery.”

Harry took the sticky note. “Clearly it’s Eugene. Eugene Mullins. Wait, that name is familiar.”

“Yes, he lives in the house with the kangaroo statues opposite the fire brigade shed.”

“The same kangaroos dressed up in costumes?

I laughed, and Harry grinned. “Yes, that house. Didn’t you notice it today? He’s going with the cast of Frozen because of the recent frosts we’ve had.”

“Okay then,” he shrugged. “That’s … quaint.”

I swatted his shoulder. “Eugene is lovely and his kangaroos are somewhat famous. They have their own social media account.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“No, and he’s the Lord Mayor of Ballydoon. Always watching what cars are coming and going up our road. He’s actually lovely and you should follow his kangaroos online. And, your seventh patient.” I handed him a folder. “Elsie. She has a really famous garden gnome collection. Not just Ballydoon famous. She’s been on TV for a national gardening show three times with her gnomes. Sam took photos of her gnomes for souvenir postcards. You can get them at the post office and general store.”

“You’re actually serious?” Harry asked. “Famous garden gnomes?”

“Oh yes. it’s definitely a thing. And Elsie has multiple social media accounts across different platforms. You should follow them, too. Oh, and the Ballydoon Community Group. It’s the fastest way to learn what’s going on in the district.”

“Right. Kangaroo statues, gnomes, community group. Got it.”

“And Elsie and Eugene are at war over their gardens. So be careful what you say to them or you could set them off.”

Harry blinked several times again before turning back to the computer and enteringlikes gardening. great garden statue feud—don’t mention the war with Elsieunder Eugene’s file before saving it and reaching for the next file.

“You must think we’re hicks dressing up kangaroo statues and warring over a garden gnome collection.”

He stopped typing and leaned back in his chair. “I don’t think that.”

I frowned and reached for a file when Harry placed a hand on the stack. “It’s true. I don’t think you’re hicks. If anything, everyone I’ve met has been great.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, except Doug and your brother,” he smirked.

I laughed, and Harry began typing again as I shuffled the files.

“Can I confess something?”

“More confessions?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Is it a dirty secret?”

“What? No. Why—”

“I’m kidding, Nurse Turner.”

I rolled my eyes again.