Page 45 of Ignite

“No!” An older couple walking past glared my way. “Not you, sorry.” I let them pass and then muttered into my phone, “no, no, no. No storms. No sex monsoons. This is a disaster. I really don’t want to work with someone who was a one-night stand. They are meant to be literally that—one night only.”

“Does anyone at work know that you twoyou know?”

“No, just you. No one saw us at the track when we hooked up. So it’s all contained. At least I think so? I don’t know if he’s told anyone else. This is not good.”

“You can now get great sex on demand at work, and after it,” Sam mused. “This is indeed a good thing.”

“No, it’s really not! I don’t need this at work at all. Way too awkward and hard.”

“You said hard,” Sam snickered.

I sighed, my lower abdomen clenching in appreciation of how hard Harrison—Harry—had been. Traitorous Vagina and her sister-in-crime, Disloyal Uterus.

“Your vagina deserves a sex monsoon,” Sam reasoned. “Let her have more fun.”

“I am the boss of my vagina,” I hissed. “She isnotthe boss of me.”

Someone chuckled behind me. “I’m very glad to hear it.”

I knew that honey and chocolate voice.

Heat flushed up my neck.

Sam continued her argument about putting my vagina first before work but I wasn’t listening. I slowly turned around and found Harry, arms folded with an eyebrow raised.

“Excuse me, this is a private phone conversation.” I waved my phone in his direction.

Harry raised his other eyebrow. “I assume you’re talking to the same friend you were messaging. Is she also your friend from Saturday night?”

“Who are you talking to? Why are you talking about me?”

I winced as Sam screamed down the phone.


I stabbed my phone’s screen, ending the call.

Harry’s smirk grew into a full-blown, shit-eating grin. “Hot doc, hey?”

“Maybe she’s referring to someone else I slept with on the weekend,” I said with a haughty tone.

Harry scoffed.Yeah, I wasn’t convincing.

I had two questions which needed answering right now.

“Did you know who I was when we met? You also said you had no idea who Phil was and then I rock up to work to find you here and talking to Phil’s mother like you’re old friends. How am I meant to trust anything you said that night?”

Harry’s grin faded and a hard look replaced it.

“I told you the truth. Still haven’t met him. Wouldn’t recognise him, even if he’s Pam’s son. And I only met Pam today in person and I certainly had no idea you worked here and didn’t know who you were at the racetrack. But what about you? Did you know who I was because that’s next level stalker behaviour.”

“No,” I scoffed, halfway to being outraged. “I would never have donethatin your car, or anywhere, if I knew you were going to be my new colleague.”


“Excuseme?” My hands flew to my hips.

“Dr Larcombe was your boss. I’m the new Dr Larcombe. Ergo, your boss.”