Page 35 of Ignite

I lowered my voice. “Are you saying—?”

“I’m not saying anything. Nor do I know anything.” She held up her hands. “I justsuspectsomething, that’s all. Now, don’t bait your sister tonight. Be nice.”

“I don’t bait—”

“Oh, you do so! Ever since you both hit your teenage years, you two have baited each other. But not tonight. Be nice. Promise your mother.”

I sighed. “I promise. Scout’s honour.”

Mum chuckled. “Since when were you in Scouts?”

I blushed. Talking about Scouts only reminded me about Harrison. A blush crept up my neck.

“Just a turn of phrase.”

“After the call, I want to hear about what the doctors said in Brisbane.”

“Yes, of course.” I patted on my right pocket, feeling the outline of my course results. “I’ve got news to tell everyone.”

Ryan bellowed. “Places everyone! Dinner is coming out in two! Tom! Get Grandad Cec to the table, I’ll do the glasses! And—Charlotte there you are! You aren’t dressed! Go get dressed right this minute!”

Mum placed the last knife as Tom walked in with a tray of the crystal wine glasses Mum and Dad were given as a wedding present thirty years ago.

“On it,” I called, chasing Charlotte to the bathroom.

My niece scowled at me in the mirror.

“Are you going to yell at me, too?” Charlotte asked, covered head to toe in dirt.

“Nope. And good to see you’re better. Now, tee shirt off. And pants. We all need to look pretty for your Aunty Amanda’s phone call.”

She rolled her eyes with a dramatic sigh. “But she can’t see me on the phone.”

“True, but …” I tossed Charlotte’s clothes in the laundry hamper. “I think Aunty Amanda has something important to tell us and because it’s important, it’s special. We’re showing her we understand it’s special by getting dressed up.”

Charlotte considered this as she washed herself with the facecloth. “You look really nice, Aunty Stacey.”

“Thank you. And so will you. Let’s go pick a dress.”

Two minutes later, Charlotte flounced down the hallway, clean and dressed in a very yellow and frilly dress. She was either a Disney princess or covered in mud, dirt and whatever else she had rolled in; she didn’t do in between.

I turned back to her wardrobe to return the other six rejected dresses and froze at my reflection in the mirror.

Dear god, I had a hickey. Right where my neck met my shoulder. When Harrison had noticed I’d liked his bites and kisses there, he’d made sure that spot had got lots of attention. I ran my fingers over the mark.

“Okay, take a seat! Dinner on the table in thirty seconds!” Ryan announced.

I pulled my jumpsuit up higher around my neck, hoping no one had noticed it.

Good grief, had Tom?The way he’d looked at me. Christ on a quad bike indeed.

I was the last one to take my seat, giving Grandad Cec a kiss on the cheek while Ryan served dinner on the good plates with matching platters: our own roast lamb, roast vegetable medley with first pick of the broccoli and silverbeet from our garden, topped with homemade gravy. I placed a real linen napkin on my lap.

“Lily’s messaged saying she’s good to go to join the call when Amanda calls,” Tom said as he poured wine for everyone except Charlotte.

On cue, Ryan’s mobile rang and Amanda’s face filled the screen.

“Well, hello! How are you all?”