Page 28 of Ignite

*photo of the three of them with beers at a riverside bar*

I grinned. Since we’d met on the first day of med school, Steve, Mel and Andy were my closest friends. For Steve and Mel, it had been love at first sight at the undergraduate meet and greet social function at the beginning of first year and they’d married by graduation.

Me: Hey you lot. I made it.

Andy: he graces us with his presence!

Me: got in very late last night, slept in until lunch, which I just had

Me: you gotta visit the pub and try the lunch special. Seriously good grub. *photo of pub lunch*

Me: I’m now an honorary wombat.

Mel: glad you got there safe. Good luck tomorrow

Steve: how did Lorraine go on the drive?

Steve: explain newly acquired wombat status

My thumb hovered over the keyboard. I sipped my beer, then dived in.

Me: Actually something happened. I broke my rule last night

Me: I hooked up in Lorraine

Me: Met an incredible woman at the racetrack and one thing led to another and we ended up in the back seat

Me: it was seriously the hottest sex I’ve had in years, perhaps ever

Andy: you what now?!

Mel: but you never do *that* in Lorraine!

Steve: and you turned into a wombat?

Me: I know, I know. I can’t believe I did it either!

Me: I wasn’t looking to hook up. It kinda just happened

Me: Wombats are the local footy team. Might be playing for them

Andy: YOU BESMIRCHED LORRAINE. You are not worthy of that car.

Mel: “Kinda happened”?! LOL

Steve: holy fuck. you serious?

Mel: first night away from your fam and you banged the first woman you met *crying laughing emoji*

Mel: you were horny AF

I scrubbed my face with a sigh.

Me: should never have told you guys about Liam’s untimely interruptions during alone time

Me: the point I’m making here is the woman I met was incredible. Totally worth breaking the rule for.

Me: But, think she gave me a fake name. she said the name of the 50 Shades movie chick. Anastasia.