Page 24 of Ignite

He then kissed the inside of my wrist.

My body shook again. “Yes, it was.”

He let go of my hand and I stifled a whimper at the loss of his touch.

My phone buzzed again and I silenced it.

“I really should go.” But I stood there, not moving.

Harrison frowned, and opened his mouth, as if he were about to say something.Did I want him to ask for my number? My full name? To see me again?

My heart rate spiked. He wasn’t a local; this was a chance encounter, a one-time thing. I’d never see him again. I took a half-step back, hand on the door to close it.

My phone dinged in my pocket.

“I need to let her know I’m okay. And get home.”

He nodded.

I quickly texted Sam assuring her I was alive and would meet her at her car.

“Good night.” I gave him a small wave. “Harrison.”

“Good night, Anastasia.” He said my name like honey, like melted chocolate.

I walked away quickly, not looking back, before I lost my mind and jumped him again in the car. I shouldered my bag in the direction of where Sam had parked on the opposite side of the carpark. I sent her another text apologising and replied to Uncle Bruce I was fine and meeting Sam shortly.

And then, I stopped with a gasp.

I just had sex with a stranger in his carandleft my panties behind.

Operation End-the-Sex-Drought: mission accomplished.



Ballydoon Community Group:

John posted 9.20 a.m.:

Ballydoon Pub Sunday Special: roast lamb, veg and gravy $12. Apple crumble with ice-cream $6. Serving 12 to 2 p.m.

My thoughts kept drifting back to meeting a beautiful woman last night at the racetrack.Anastasia …

I was still keyed up, my leg bouncing while waiting for my lunch. Last night was fantastic … and reckless. Having sex less than an hour after meeting someone who’d been adamant we needed to remain anonymous was out there for me. And then we’d done the deed in the back seat of Lorraine … that was unprecedented.

Dad would kill me if he knew.

“Here’s your roast of the day.” The waitress smiled coyly, placing my lunch down. “Can I get you anything else?” she added, twirling one of her long plaits.

She was cute. Usual Me would have flirted and asked for her number. But I felt nothing. I was preoccupied with thoughts of Anastasia.

“I’m right, thanks.”

The waitress shrugged, placing several serviettes on the table and left to serve other customers.

I picked up a serviette. I’d cleaned the back seat of Lorraine when I’d checked in late last night with serviettes found in my hotel room. I’d had found Anastasia’s black lace underwear. I hadn’t thrown them away. I’d stuffed them in with my laundry in my room. Damned if I knew why, and that left me unsettled.