Page 150 of Ignite

“You’re leaving Ballydoon though. Soon.”

I avoided that detail for now. “Stacey said we were over. But I’m going to bloody well try and fix things.”

“Turners are stubborn. Give her time and space, and then maybe, she’ll give you a chance.”

We sat in silence, waiting for closing time. I just hoped Ryan was right.



Ballydoon Community Group:

Doug posted yesterday 9.40 p.m.:

Check out Stacey’s photo for the firefighter calendar. @Sam, is this the sort of sexy photos you’re doing?;-)*two photos attached*

I was the small spoon again.

I pressed myself against the warm body wrapped around me, about to whisper Stacey’s name in her ear when an ear-splitting snore jerked me awake.

I was lying on the couch in my room. But the wrong Turner was asleep on my shoulder with his arm around my waist.

I unwrapped Ryan’s arm and stood without waking him. Ryan was comatose, an arm draped over his eyes. We might have a blossoming friendship but that didn’t mean I wanted to snuggle.

I rubbed my temples with a groan. An empty bottle of scotch lay on its side on the floor.

We’d cleaned the bar and then hosed out the beer garden after the party. My parents had texted they’d gone to bed and wished me and Stacey well. Sam had texted Ryan saying Stacey didn’t want to talk yet.

Yet.Such a small word and all of my hope had clung to that.

We’d taken a bottle of scotch to my room and drank while watching cable.

And then fallen asleep.Together.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Andy’s name flashed on the screen.

“Hey,” I croaked in greeting.

“Hey, woah. Harry? You sound like shit.”

Another ear-splitting snore came from the couch.

“Does your woman snore?” Andy chuckled.

“Her name is Stacey,” I growled. “What’s up?”

My head hammered in pain. I was still pissed about his group chat messages. My busted knuckle was stiff, but I’d cleaned and patched up the wound last night. I was in fine form today to repair my relationship and to face my family.Water, painkillers, stat.

“Sorry, of course. Um, the report from the hospital into Simon’s death is being handed down next week.” Andy paused. “There’s a press conference scheduled. I’ve sent you an email but I wanted to let you know.”

I stood ramrod straight. My mouth felt like it was full of cotton wool. I needed water.

“I’ll be there. I want to hear it in person.” Andy’s usual banter was replaced with venom and bitterness. “See it in person.”

My mind scrambled to think of what I had on next week. “Shit, I don’t think I can get time off. We’re swamped with patient bookings at the moment.”

I drained my glass and refilled it, grabbed two Aspirin, and swallowed them quick.